Its in Our Nature

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I often wonder what's going on in other people's head. What they think of other people.  What they see.

What's their point of view? What do they think of me? What do they think about my appearance?

Its not that I'm self conscious. Its just.... I'm curious. That's all. Really!

I try to figure people out. When in reality they've been trying to figure me out.

I ask questions they ask questions in return. I give them looks, good or bad. They give me looks in return.

People say 'don't judge a book by its cover' and what do they do when they cross paths with someone? Judge them.

Its our nature.

Observe. Critique. Think. Its a cycle that goes on forever.

We observe the way they talk about others or themselves.

You critique the way they look or eat.

And then you think of what you have learned about them. Whether it's their name or age.

We simply Observe. Critique. Think.

Its in our nature.

The State Of MindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora