Part 3

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Unexpected Love

Part 3

Flashback * Ding Dong* Sara opens the door. “Heyyyy Louu!" she says happy! "hey babe! how is everything?" *

“Heyyy Sara! Everything is amazing right now haha!” I say. We walk inside, straight to Sara’s room. I plop my bags on the floor. We jump on the bed and put the TV on. Channel 1: News, zapp, Channel 2: Documentary, zapppp, Channel 3: some weird program for adults. Zapp zapp.. Nothing interesting. “Okay what movie do you want to see? Some Thriller, Beauty, Adventure, Comic, Fantasy, Disney…?? “She asks me while she hold up a few DVD’s. “Uhhhhm, Disney…. Toy Story!! Yeah I want to see Toy Story.” I say happy. “Okay We watch Toy Story. It’s my favourite! “She says. Sara put the DVD into the DVD player. The movie starts… We are so excited!

Buzzz Buzzz. My phone rings. It’s a notification from Twitter. Niall tweeted something. I open the notification and see: @NiallOfficial “Good to be back in London! It’s been a while. x”   “Sara, Sara! OMG I forgot…. Niall is back in London… and I’m going to London within 2 weeks! OMG maybe I’ll see the boysss.” I scream to Sara. “Omg yeaah maybe! Now I’m sad…” she says with a pout. Atear running down her cheek. “Sara what’s going on?” I ask with full surprise. “Well.. You are going to London within two weeks.. Maybe you going to meet the guys, or see them.. And I… I… I’m sitting here at home “with all my friends”, thinking about your wonderful time in London.:” She says. “Oh sweetie! I’m sorry! I hope you can come with me..!” I say when I hug her tight.

It feels so bad if you see your best friend crying. “Wait this night is to have fun, not to cry. We’ll turn off the movie, put the music really hard and start to dance!” I say and pull Sara off the bed. I take my phone and press the shuffle button.. “Maybe it’s the way she walked…..” “Yeah, Good timing Lou!” Sara says happy! She sings along with the song.

We danced all night to the best song ever.

It’s already  1 am. Sara grabs some chips and sits next to me on her bed. “Lou..” “Yeah Sara” “Can I tell you something?” “Yeah sure. You can tell me everything, anytime, everywhere. You know that.” “Well.. uhmm.. It’s hard to say.. pff.” “Sara keep calm, I’m here with you. You can say everything. Even though it’s something bad about me.. just say when you are ready.”  “Lou.. I think you are an amazing friend. But I think I’m not going to miss you when you are two weeks in London…”  * Oh god.. what does she want to tell me… pfff. Don’t say you want to never see me again, or break up our friendship.. or something worse.*  “okay, you don’t have to miss me.. but can I ask you why you are not going to miss me?” I ask worried. She jumps off her bed. “I’m not going to miss you because….” * her face turns from sad to happy* “Because what Saraaaa!” “I’m going with you to LONDON!!!!!!”

“OMG Saraaaa! That’s soooooo cooool! why you kept kidding! It’s not funny. I thought you were going to say you never want to see me again or something worse.” I say. Sara is down with laughter. “hahahah… hahahaha.. hahaha…” she rolls over her bedroom floor. We start jumping around and when we are done we went to bed.

*blieeep.. blieeeep.. blieeeep* “Urghhhh rot alarm…. It’s too early …” I say with a raw morning voice. When I turn to face Sara, I see she is not in her bed… Maybe she’s in the shower or downstairs. I walk rub through my eyes and walk out Sara’s room. When I walk into hallway I smell some food.. It smells delicious! Eggs..? no.. Bacon..?... no… I walk further into the kitchen… Yess pancakes ! Sara didn’t hear me coming…. gently on my toes I walk up to her. She is singing along with a One direction song…. “HANDS UP  OR I’LL SHOOT!!!” I scream. She scares so hard that she turns around and hits me in my face. “auchh..” I say and rub my cheek.

“OMG Lou.. I’m so sorry! I was frightened to death! I thought you were a burglar. Wait I’m going to get some ice.” She saysand runs to the pantry. She comes back with a bag full of ice. I sit down and keep the bag against my cheek. It hurts, but I can forgive her.. It’s my own fault. I should not have to scare her so much. Sara starts to laugh. “what?” I ask. “hahahaha you’ve got a bag of meatballs against your cheek.” She says. “haha.. I don’t care… I love it..” I sing. We laughing so hard.. We eat our pancakes and get dressed. It’s holiday, so time for some fun things. We are shopping!

After a long day of shopping we are both back at our homes. Well good night people, tomorrow another day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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