Chapter 5 - Human Emotions

Start from the beginning

When I felt his aura away from my room, I breathed a sigh of relief and slacked my posture. Gosh that was really really awkward.

"Move your arms out of the way so I can wrap your wounds. Or do you want to do it yourself? You're such a hassle...." Kagura grumbled behind me. I sighed shaking my head and lifted my arms just enough so that Kagura could reach around and wrap my entire torso with bandages.

When she was done, she didn't even bother putting the medical kit back in its place. She left everything as it is and walked out of my room slamming the door shut behind her. I was finally left alone and after gathering some energy, I stumbled up. I winced realizing that I had bruises on multiple parts of my body. Well, most of them were pretty small but I had one on my left ribs from when Sesshomaru's toad had managed to hit me pretty hard with that staff of his.

"Ah....stupid toad...." I muttered before limping to the cupboard and pulling out a red half kimono. I somehow took of the rest of my demon slayer outfit, wincing every now and then and put on the kimono loosely.

I decided to just take a nap for now. It was early evening and probably a few more hours until Kohaku got me dinner. Kagura and Kanna didn't eat human food so Naraku would usually send out his demons to any nearby village and they would steal food for me and Kohaku. Of course, being demons they would eat on some of the humans there too. But since the village served as our source of food every day, Naraku didn't allow his demons to completely annihilate the village.

I let out a groan as I lowered myself onto the mattress. I slept on my right side so that I would hurt neither my back nor the bruise on my ribs. I was really exhausted.....I couldn't really think of anything at the moment and I fell asleep instantly.


Its been three days since my fight with Sesshomaru. The actual pain in my body had surfaced when I woke up after the rest. I couldn't move at all because everything was so painful. I was glad that Naraku took my health into consideration and told me to take a few days of rest in the castle.

But being in the castle with nothing to do was really really boring. There wasn't any form of entertainment, the whole castle was glum and there was no one to talk to. I didn't want to go to many parts of the castle because there were lots of skeletons belonging to the people who lived in this castle before Naraku used his miasma and killed them all. It was disgusting to see all those skeletons lying around.....ughh!

Speaking of him, Naraku too had disappeared a day ago and I don't know where he had gone so he wasn't around to have a conversation with either.

He seemed to disappear once in a while like this. No one knew where he went, not even Kagura. Well, I somehow had a feeling that Kanna knew where he went but she was emotionless and a perfect puppet. So she never let us in on what was going on. The rest of us would be left alone in the castle but the demons still took care of our food.

Well, that's not the only thing though. Just like today, the last two times as well, the barrier around the castle had weakened. The miasma was still there but I could walk a few feet away from the hallways and into the courtyard - something that I couldn't have done on any other day. The sky was also partially visible every now and then through the miasma and it was probably the only time I could see the stars or the blue sky.

I sighed looking up at the stars that appeared every time a miasma cloud cleared. Many of the smaller demons had taken this weakened barrier as a chance to escape and Kagura too had gone off on her own. I have no clue where Kohaku was either and as for Kanna, she kept walking in and out of the inner part of the castle where all the bodies were. I'd rather sit here in the hallway by myself than follow her around.

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