Chapter 3

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Roc's Pov

I was texting Myles, nothing serious. Just talking. I saw that a couple minutes later, Prod was joined into the chat. "Oh hey, Wassup?" I asked Prod. I asked him how things were going with Gianna, & seeing if he asked her out already. "Well i asked before, and she said we should just talk more first. So we did... & then she said yes." I saw him type. "Oh..good" I told him. I was obviously happy for him; he hasn't gotten a girl in a long time. Actually, none of us really have. With touring and everything, its hard to keep a steady relationship. Im just glad that Prod got a girl, cause if he could, he would just marry Chicken...



I decided to text her, & see how she felt about him. "You like him?" I asked. "Yeah, he seems like someone i can actually trust. I don't know how that's going to work on the way, but i think we'll be fine (: " she told me. I don't know, but I felt weird. Maybe cause I never seen her had a guy like this before..? Am i jealous? ...No, she's just a friend. And im gonna keep it that way. Maybe i just feel weird cause Prod has a girl & i don't..



Every five seconds, they kept changing their names to something about eachother. Prod's contact name changed to "Prod💎" to "Gianna😍🙌" to "#Proanna💕" to "GG💖☺" and it just kept going on...and on.. & on. No, i wasn't annoyed. Why would I be? Its just... I don't know how i feel. I think i could be jealous. But I cant... I wasn't jealous before they started dating. Otherwise, i would've never shown Prod her picture. .

Stuck (Mindless Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz