# Request 5

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This is an art tutorial for dannyohanlove15 and those who are interest at it.

So, as I said I'm not good at teaching because that I've never tried to explain.

But I'll try my best to let you get a starter!


Drawing above is the basic step of drawing a manga character, this just how I draw, and it's a doodle tho. Please don't judge too much.

You start your draw with some basic line and circle, as you see, the first picture which is the very left one were pretty simple.

Because it just a draft, they're important unless you're the master of manga drawing.

You have to have an idea what action your character be like, and the angle are the thing you need to think of.

The little model which people used for drawing are pretty useful, you can play around with it if you have one.

After you have an idea what it going to look like:

Step one is draw it down on the paper as a draft, using cirlcle for the head, bum and joints, lines for the rest.

Step two is to draw the actual body like the middle one above, so the left is like the bones and this step is to draw the muscles. Remember to draw the draft light, I drew it hard so you can see.

Step three, draw your character design on your draft! I'll update the tutorial with each parts of body later on.

Step four, shading, coloring or editing.. whatever you like to do with it...

I'm so bad at teaching I know...

Hope that it'll help you guys, dannyohanlove15 and whoever interest in reading tutorial!

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