Chapter two: the sickness

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Crystal was lying in her bed coughing and weaving. The doctor didn't know what was wrong with her, so Angelique got mad and the doctor left. Crystal coughed up blood and Sky got a wet cloth and wiped the blood from his soon to be stepdaughter's face.

"That's the sixth time today! Is she going to be okay!" Angelique said while freaking out. 

Sky put a hand on his fiance's shoulder. Angelique cried and put her head in Sky's chest. Sky rubbed her back and lifted up her head, making her look at him with sorrowful eyes.

"Don't worry. It's Crystal. 

She's the toughest little girl I know. Just like when she beat that disease. She will live trust me my love." Assured Sky. Angelique nodded and looked at her daughter, who was fast asleep on the bed.  Sky smiled at Angelique. I hope Crystal will be fine because than I have lied to the one I truly love and care for, thought Sky. He kissed his wife to be and Angelique returned it. Crystal coughed, but she was still asleep. Angelique looked at her and began to worry again for like the hundredth time.

"What happens if she's not okay? What happens if this sickness kills her? What would I do without my precious Crystal?" Asked Angelique.

 Sky wish he knew the answer to all her questions. Sky sighed and walked out of the room. How about Julia she's a doctor she might know what's wrong with Crystal, thought Sky. He got on the phone and called the Collins family. A woman answered. Sky could hear a man in the background.

"What was that terrible ringing Miss Elizabeth!" Yelled the man in the background.

"Barnabas it's called a telephone. I've told you that a thousand times before." Replied Elizabeth. 

Sky laughed in his head at the man and his stupidity. Elizabeth sounded annoyed. 

"Hello who is this?" She asked.

"My name is Sky Rumson and my fiance's child has a very bad sickness and now that Julia is back I want to see if she knows what's wrong with her Child." Explained Sky.

 Sky was getting impatient, but then Elizabeth agreed to have Julia look at Crystal. Sky hung up the phone then went into the room with Crystal and Angelique. Angelique looked at him with worry. Sky noticed that Crystal's breathing was shallow.

 "Angelique I just called up the Collins family and they agreed to let you bring Crystal so they can see what's wrong with her." 

Angelique never wanted to go back or even see the Collins family.

"Okay but I am not going to stay long, because they don't like me and I don't want to have anything to do with that stupid weird family. But I'm only going for Crystal's sake. Okay?" Said Angelique. 

Sky looked at Angelique and smiled a big smile. He kissed her on the head and then he kissed Crystal's head, because whatever is wrong with her is not at all contagious. Angelique picked up Crystal and went out to the car with Sky following. Angelique put her daughter in the back seat and got in the front. She started up the car and drove off. Sky waved goodbye and Angelique waved back. She put on her sunglasses and went through town, to the woods to the place she never wanted to go back to. She drove in the driveway. She held Crystal in her arms and went to the door. She knocked on the door and Elizabeth.

"You must be the person with the child with that sickness. Angelique is that you?" Said Elizabeth. 

Angelique looked down at her daughter. Barnabas came out and looked at Angelique. He looked angry to see her. She was hoping never to see him again, but she needed her child seen to.  Angelique didn't look at him. Julia walked into the room and grabbed Crystal out of Angelique's arms. Barnabas grabbed Angelique's arm angrily and pulled her into the drawing room.

"How dare you come here with that excuse! You're not welcomed here!" Yelled Barnabas. 

Angelique walked away from Barnabas and he looked at her with disappointment. Angelique Sat in a chair and put her hands to her eyes. She began crying. I think I was a little too harsh and she don't look like she doesn't want to be here, maybe she's actually here for her daughter, thought Barnabas. He sat down next to her and she got up quickly.

"I don't even want to be here. I want nothing to do with you or this family. I'm only here for my daughter Crystal." Hissed Angelique.

 Barnabas looked surprise at her words. Angelique wiped the tears from her eyes and continued to frown.

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