"Well .. seems I need to catch his sign, meet up with him, collect his hostage and the proper authorities can speak to him afterwards if he wants. Not so complicated, though I have to do this fastest."

The chief broke in from the cabin .. 'I heard its an east mountain man you're after, just a kid.. won't leave much trail, if any. Sounds like he's snapped, took the girl in Seattle and seems he's a wicked mean handful.. a Scout shooter they say. Was overseas, did Afghan tours, was in Iraq too. Don't sound like a man that's made for much talking afterwards. Hillbilly folk you know... but no offense meant.'

Hunter thought on this and suggested that every person had their footprint and way of being .. but that sometimes they had to be met and talked with about their actions. If they were truly against the path of the elders, there was need for them to be offered help from the tribe. Was this not so ? He asked.

There was a quietness aboard the craft .. It was a strange concept to get a hold of.. then the intercom chattered with a new voice... "Bear Country One...  Alpha Wave base ops here, you  read?" A quick exchange about the onboard passenger followed, then updated orders, and a new flight path was noted onto the pilot's kneeboard quickly .

"There's all sorts of legends about you Hunter .. care to tell us of one? You were Special Forces right ? Seems we have a ways to run you tonight."

"Oh .. I've had a few situations turn out all right .. got the scent.. worked with it.. and things worked out just fine."

The chief's voice cut through again.. gently chiding that surely there was more to it than that.. and Hunter's response was that sometimes there had been tough or puzzling tracks, even unpleasant, that was true. But the chief held that a tough response was what it took some times, to set things straight .. or right.

Hunter thought on the idea for a moment.. then agreed it was true. It was so. The chief ventured that an old story surrounding Hunter, held that he'd iced two gunmen in a Victoria bank, barehanded. Hunter pointed out that they had guns held on hostages and had killed two already.. so his meeting with them had been very short and without much useful conversation. Unfortunately the kidnappers did not survive the meeting, though all the remaining hostages had.

After some silence, the co-pilot asked after his family and was rewarded with a complete and detailed answer.. and a request for a sense of her clan and Blackcrow family. Huron from Ontario he heard, with extreme interest. They were certainly a highly renowned and mystically strong woodland tribe that had many many legends surrounding them. Ate the hearts of vanquished enemies, if he was not mistaken.

The chief was not to be denied and disrupted Hunter's revervie on the eating of body parts in warpoint however.. he probed more bluntly about just how Hunter had managed to somehow surprise or take down the armed kidnappers in the bank.

"They were careless and had wrong ideas in their heads .. It was about money taken by violence and they weren't ready for reality. So I had to speak for reality .. They went down together.. surprised and dead.

"Were you going in there with the idea it would go bad Hunter?"

"No" ... he said in a quiet tone... "they were just too far gone.. not connected to the path at all and they shot at me wildly when I spoke to them. Then I had to move against them and they fell hard while I moved among them. I cleared folks from the bank to the street, as they were in shock and then I came back to see to them, but they were gone. The two of them.. my place is with the living... not the dead... and so I let them be."

The aircrew fell silent, though all the while executing flight operations with sure and confident direction. They wondered at the unspoken idea though, that this man could find and take down armed hard cases without a weapon. And there was a balance, and a kind of sadness in how he spoke of the situations.. and the crew felt the man was in a mood to talk, but he seemed more interested in all of their experiences and light banter.. and ... he seemed to have an innate sense of each and every mountain pass they slipped through on their way eastward.

Hunter WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now