Letters of Loki

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Mother. Father. Thor. Lady Sif. Sirs Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral. Jane, Erik, and Darcy. The lives on Earth and in Asgard that I so foolishly and despicably destroyed with my actions of a child in need of attention.

So many apologies and so little time.

A proper beginning to this letter has evaded me. So, I will start as so.

Mother. I trust this letter will find you, even in Valhalla. I cannot begin to fathom the pain I've caused you, nor the embarrassment. Not because of my true heritage, as I had so stupidly assumed, but by the fault of my own actions. I realize now, far too late, that your love for me was unconditional. Whether I was a Frost Giant or Asgardian, from Jotunheim or Asgard, your care for me did not change. I am so sorry I cannot deliver this message in person, but I'm a bit held up. Nevertheless, this feels such a cowardly and malingering way to deliver my regrets.

Father, the Great Odin. I wish now that I had realized, while it wasn't too late, just how great and knowledgeable your wisdom truly was. I see now that your guidance and knowledge was not so foolish and ill-suiting as I had once thought it to be. For that, I am sorry. I failed you in so many ways, the least of which being disclaiming you as my father. I have planned on repaying my infinite debt to you in any way possible, which is why I must make this sacrifice.

Thor, my brother. My foolish, popular, loving brother who, as it turns out, came to be much wiser than me. Never lose that, brother, for the loss of conscience and discernment are fatal to the man who abandons them. I know now that my bitterness at being caught in your shadow, while not completely the fruits of my imagination, was excessively out of hand. My jealousy, however, there is no excuse for. For that, you forever have my sincere apologies. And know, my brother, that I never stopped caring about you.

To the warriors Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. My dear friends. The betrayal of your trust and kindness was unacceptable, and I am deeply sorry for that. You did nothing to deserve the manner in which I threw away your gift of friendship. While I expect nothing to make up for my actions, I, at the very least, give you my apology, as clumsy and heavy-handed as it is.

Jane, Erik, and Darcy. I cannot say I knew any of you well, nor for very long. But my frivolous and deceitful ways heavily affected you all. I wish you long and happy lives, absent of all distress and the despair of war. (Jane- your slap is much appreciated, though I fear it took far too long to knock some sense into me, as the mortals say.)

Lastly, I apologize for my act of war on the people of Earth and Asgard. I was unfit for rule, and the world would have been in chaos had I reigned as king. I realize that my destruction of the lives around me is unrepairable, and nothing will ever compensate for that.

As I write this letter, I sit in my prison in a far-off realm, preparing for my timely death. Do not mourn again. This time, it is complete, and I hold no regrets as to the form of my demise. I go in peace, finally. I wish you to do the same.

Deepest apologies,

Loki Odinson

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