Chapter 2 - At the Hotel

2.2K 46 44

There's a scratch in the left lens of my glasses...MY BEAUTIFUL HIPSTER GLASSES ARE RUINED! Now there's always a big crack in my vision...wut...oh..

Dirty mind...dirty mind...

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Chapter 2:

~Tyler's POV~

I had just finished uploading some PVP as Janet. MineCon tickets were going to be on sale soon, and I was definitely going, so I decided to check Twitter to see who else would be going, too.

With my dog on my lap, I scrolled through the tweets on my phone. My eyes landed on one particular one that Kyle retweeted.

"Looks like we found Tyler's double :P" There was a YouTube link, so I clicked on it. It brought me to a Minecraft video made by SkittlesNinja (that's what I might make my future YT channel :3 unless it's taken already...). The video was a girl commentating as some ghetto dude named Derek playing Survial Games, similar to the way I record as Janet. The video was pretty funny, so I watched a couple more on her channel.

As I watched her play Hide and Seek with her friends Kiona, Cassie, and Wheatie, I got a Skype call from Adam, Jerome, and Mitch.

"You guys ready to record?" Adam asked.

"What?" I asked. Oh wait...yeah we were planning to record today. "Oh, nevermind."

"Alright, let's start!" Jerome exclaimed.

***Skipping a lot of time because I'm lazy and the stuff from this point to MineCon don't matter***

~Rosie's POV~

Seth and I arrived at the hotel in Florida. His friends were already waiting for him in the lobby, so he left with them, leaving me alone to wait for my friends. I sat in a chair and took out my phone and went onto YouTube. Still wasn't at 100K yet. I wasn't obsessed with getting 100K subs or whatever, I just wanted to get a screenshot and rub it in Kai's face for the rest of his life.

As I sat there scrolling through Twitter and eating Skittles, I heard my name being yelled from across the lobby. "Rosie! Heyyy!" I looked up and saw two girls running towards me: one with short hair dyed white and rectangular glasses, and another with long blonde hair wearing a casual dress.

"Hey guys! Geez, what took you so long to get here?" I asked, standing and picking up my backpack. "And where's Kiona?"

"Well, we WERE with Kiona, but she made us stop so she could get a bunch of pictures with some dude dressed as a giant Skittle outside. We eventually got bored and left her," Cassie said.

Just then, Kiona walked into the lobby and came over to us. "You guys ditched me..." she said, pouting like a child. "There was a creepy hobo outside. Ooooh! Skittles!" She snatched the bag of Skittles I held and took out a handful.

"Okay, let's go up to our room! I already checked us in earlier," Wheatie said.

We headed to the elevator and got in just as a couple other guys did. I saw Kiona whispering something to Wheatie and Cassie and giggling. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked them as one of the guys pressed the button for the third floor.

"Don't worry about it. We'll tell you later," Cassie said. They were acting weird, but then again, we're always acting weird.

We finally reached the third floor and left the elevator. Wheatie led us to our room since she was the only one who had any clue of where we were going. "Room 321," she said, scanning the keycard thingy. The guys who were in the elevator with us stopped at room 322 right across the hallway as we entered our room.

Once we were inside with the door closed Kiona exclaimed, "Rosie! Do you know who that was in the elevator?!"

"Some dude and his friends?" I said, throwing by bag onto the bed furthest back. I took my Skittles back from Kiona.

"No! It was Tyler, aka MunchingBrotato!" Cassie said.

I sat on the bed I claimed and grabbed the tv remote from the nightstand. "Who's that again?" I asked while I went through the channels. Nothing good. I turned the tv off and took out my laptop from my bag.

"Your soulmate," Wheatie joked. She dug through her backpack and took out a bag of Oreos. "You guys want any Oreos?"

Taking a couple Oreos from Wheatie, Kiona said, "Remember! He's the YouTuber that everyone said you'd be perfect for!"

Oh, right. Him. I actually hadn't gotten a chance to watch any of his videos yet, and it's been about three months. "They didn't all say that exactly... They just said we were similar and stuff," I told her. I took an Oreo from Wheatie and took it apart, taking the white stuff out. I only like the cookie part, okay? Don't judge me... (This is true xD I don't get how people eat the white part. It tastes weird...)

"Whatever!" said Kiona. "The point is, you two are perfect for each other, you're going to become boyfriend and girlfriend, get married, and have little Ninja-Brotato babies!"

"That does sound cute," I said, "but I don't even know him! I've never even seen any of his videos!"

Cassie came over and sat beside me, and the others did the same. "Rosie, one way or another, you're gonna talk to him. He's in the hotel room across from ours! That's the universe telling you that it's meant to be."

I stood up. "Or it's a coinidence, and the universe is telling me that I need chips from the vending machine in the hallway. Be right back," I told them, leaving the room.

I thought about what they were saying. Well, he was kinda cute. Wait, what am I thinking? I just got out of a screwed up relationship a few months ago with a douchbag idiot. I'm not heartbroken or whatever you want to call it; we agreed on the breakup. I'm not the kind of person who curls up in a blanket in front of the tv with three tubs of ice cream and seven cats on my lap when I get out of a serious relationship. But still, I didn't want another potential douchebag to call my boyfriend, no matter how cute he looks wearing glasses.

I got to the vending machine and put a dollar in. I punched in the number for Fritos and waited. Nothing happened, so I punched the number in again. And still, nothing happened. I kicked the machine. "C'mon, you stupid machine. Give me my chips..." I grumbled while kicking it. "Fine. I didn't want your chips anyway." I walked away without my chips, passing Tyler on the way to my room.

~Tyler's POV~

*a few minutes earlier*

Kyle, Joey, and I walked into our hotel room across from the girls we saw in the elevator. The one with pink and purple hair had a familiar voice, I just couldn't remember when I've heard it before.

"Hey, did you guys think that girl's voice in the elevator sounded familiar?" I asked the others.

"She sounded like that person on YouTube everyone keeps making fan art of you with. I think her name is Rosie," Kyle answered with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah. Wait, fan art?" I said.

"Nevermind. You don't need to see any of it..." said Kyle.

I threw my bag onto a bed. "Okay then. I'm gonna go get a snack for the vending machine out in the hall. You guys want anything?" They shook their heads. I went out into the hallway and passed that girl again. She glanced at me, the kept walking. At the vending machine, a bag of chips was already there for someone to take. I looked around and saw no one, so I just took them and went back to my room.

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Next chapter shall be set at MineCon :3 now I just really want to go to MineCon...poo D:

So this chapter took a long time to write...well not really. It just took me a long time to focus on writing it. Yeah...I was watching old videos by TheComputerNerd01

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