Lessy dead entered the University of fear, too many people and she barely was accompanied by a girl he had met in presentations, his name was Abigail and looked like a very nice girl. They entered the class and everyone looked at Lessy as a weirdo, dressed in a skirt barely five fingers above the ankle and a shirt buttoned up the last button, acomoañada his bow and his black horn-rimmed glasses to and everyone will turn to see that weird girl who was walking to the back table. Lessy felt alone, as the first class of the day does not match that of Abigail. Lessy sat at his desk and began pulling her things and when I was looking at his notebook and trying to relax before class begins a male voice says:
- Hey you, bug, this chair is occupied - What's missing ... A guy next to him - Hey you! Patty! I asked you a question
I'm sorry, sorry, you can sit, is free - and immediately head back down towards its libro.-
- Good and ... Are you going to say your name or want to continue calling bug? -
She did not know who was speaking, did not know his story and did not know if her next target was so agreed
- Le ... Lessy, my name is Lessy ...
- Nice Le-Lessy, I'm Mike
They passed two interminable hours of class in which she kept not notice the green-eyed gaze here boy who had sat next

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