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Here's Part 2 of Falling.


Me and tiana kept talking and talking about what happened and other stuff going on in life.

"Well I think we should go to bed soon"

She said yawning.

"Yea ok"

I answered I was tired as heck too.

"You can sleep in the guest bedroom nothing's really in there."

She told me.

"Ok thank you so much again."

I said relieved, I had the best friend ever.

"Aw you're welcome and if you need anything tell me."

She told me.We both walked upstairs and at the top we went separate ways to our bedrooms.

I walked in the bedroom and sat down on the bed.I looked around and she was right there was nothing in here.

I got under the covers and went to sleep.

-----Next Day-------

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock tiana had.I never really noticed it but I guess it was there.

I started walking downstairs when I saw that Tiana was cooking.

"Hey good morning."

I said.

Tiana jumped

"O my gosh I didn't see you there,How'd you sleep?"

She asked me

"Um ok still kinda freaked out from last night but I'm ok,um you know I got to get going"

I told her.I really hope that she doesn't worry about me.

"Why,where you heading."

She said,o she sounded really worried now.

"Um tiana let me tell you ill be fine I got a phone ill call you ok?"

I said.Trying to calm her down.

"Ok please don't die or something."

She said half laughing.

"I promise I won't."

I said now laughing.

With that I turned around and walked to the door.I walked out the door and started walking.I have no clue where I was going.I literally had nothing just a phone and some money.

I decided I would walk to Starbucks It wasn't to far away from Tianas house.

I finally got there and it was packed.

There was girls with signs and they were screaming and crying.

What is going on?

I thought to myself.I walked inside there was hardly anyone in here so I looked around and saw an old lady trying to work a computer and then I saw 3 boys with dark sunglasses on and hoodies.

I ordered my coffee stood there and waited for it.

The one boy kept watching me and it made me nervous.

They finally called me to get my coffee.Finally I thought.

I grabbed it then turned around when I felt it spill all over me.

I looked at the person who bumped into me.

"Um I'm so sorry I really didn't see you." The boy said to me in a British accent.

"You know its really ok."

He took off his glasses and then I realized who it was.


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