Not such a good guy after all ( short Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic )

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Zoey happily walked out of Mew cafe with Corina " I cant wait for my date with Mark later!" Zoey mumbled dreamily.Corina sighed and crossed her arms a bit annoyed " could you for once talk about something other than Mark? it's starting to annoy me" Zoey glared at Corina " Your just jealous that I have a boyfriend and you don't!". Corina laughed sarcasticly " yeah im so jealous that you have a annoying as hell boyfriend who thinks he is so perfect" Corina smiled satisfied with her statement.Zoey clenched her fists " never say that about Mark! he is kind, funny, sweet, hot, and is not annoying at all!" Corina looked away " whatever Zoey you keep telling yourself that.. but don't come crying to me when her dumps you for some other chick". With that being said Corina walked away heading for the park leaving a pissed off Zoey by herself. Corina sat on the park bench and looked at the sky deep in thought " stupid Zoey...why wont you listen.." she was snapped out of her thought's as she heard a familar voice saying her name. She looked over and frowned in disgust as she saw Mark inches away from her " hey Corina mind if I sit?" Corina forced a smile and nodded "s...sure" she said through clenched teeth. Mark smiled satisfied with her answer he took a seat next to her and grinned at her. Corina noticed him staring at her and clenched her fists slightly " would you stop staring at me Mark?". Mark leaned in closer and shook his head chuckling a bit " your stubborn I like that in a girl" Corina felt her face start to heat up in anger " stop flirting with me! I already told you I don't like you plus your dating Zoey!". Mark leaned closer " so she is not who I want... im just using her until you agree to be my girlfriend. Corina's eyes widen and she pushed Mark away " your a horrible boyfriend Mark and once I convince Zoey that you will be all alone with zero girlfriends!" Corina stormed off angry. Zoey had been waiting for Mark outside if the movie theater " I hope Mark gets here soon or were gonna miss the movie..." Zoey felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist and dhe giggled. Mark smiled and kissed her cheek "sorry im late I had something to do and I lost track of time" Zoey smiled "it's fine I am just glad your here now" Mark smiled back and grabbed her hand leading her into the movie theater. Corina got home and ran to her room still pissed off " he wont be able to keep his good guy act up much longer..I will make sure of it".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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Not such a good guy after all ( short Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now