Chapter 2

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Grace had a long day. She couldn't wait to get home and relax. She changed into her fuzzy warm pajamas, ordered a pizza, and turned on her laptop. Grace has been feeling a bit lonely relationship wise lately, and it hasn't bothered her until today. She thought about it all day. Her mind couldn't get away from the thought of having a girlfriend that she could love and kiss. Yes, a girlfriend. She loves women, but she wouldn't dare let the students or staff at Edgewood High School know that. It could cost her job. They forbid same-sex relationships, which Grace thought was stupid. She knew when she was hired what she was getting herself into and luckily she hasn't had a problem with it....yet. As she was waiting for her laptop to turn on she thought about relationships. 'I need one,' she thought. Her computer lit up to her desktop with a wallpaper of her dog, Goose, who at the moment was laying right beside her with her head against Grace's thigh. "Mommy's going to find a girlfriend, Goose,"she said with her high pitched Goose voice. Goose started wagging her tail and looked up at her with her big, brown eyes. "Aw, you're so cute Goose. I'll never find a girl as adorable as you!" She stroked her fur a few times and pulled up the internet. She had no idea what internet dating is like, so she thought she would give it a try. She typed in lesbian dating sites in google search. "! Find your soulmate here!" 'Alright,' Grace thought, 'I guess I'll try this one first." She clicked on the link and found, of course, the most stereotypical online dating site. 'You've got to be kidding me,' she thought. She rolled her eyes playfully and made an account. After she was done, she decided to look at other girls, and see if she was interested in any of them. It didn't take her long to find a girl she liked. 'Hannah Hart? Damn, she's hot.' she clicked on her profile and found that she wasn't only attractive, but she had an amazing personality too. 'Should I message her?' she kept scrolling through her profile, 'Yes, yes I should.' Surprisingly, it took her quite a while to come up with the perfect message to send this Hannah girl. After five or six minutes, she came up with:
"Hey. I think you're pretty cute. You wanna get dinner sometime? :)" She looked at it one more time, was satisfied, and clicked send.

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