A Friend

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"Don't forget your lunch!" Anne tossed a lunch bag after Harry as he ran toward the door.
"Alright love you Mum. Come on Gemma! We CANNOT be late again!"
"Coming, coming. No need to worry. And if I remember correctly, YOU were the last one to make us late!" She reprimanded.
They climbed into the back of the shiny black car, laughing and throwing jokes back and forth.
Where am I? Why am I sleeping on the floor by the door? And WHAT is wrong with my head? Oh right. He wanted to tell Robin something important and he was knocked out.  Louis grimaced as he stood up, partly from his pain and partly from the fact that his own father knocked him for thinking his son was drunk. He was the one drunk. He's the one who does drugs. He's the one who gets in fights. Anger welled up inside him. Not exactly anger though. A rage. A burst of emotions that came from the years of abuse & mental stress. As Louis struggled to stand, still a bit woozy from the night episode, he glanced at the clock. "Oh bloody hell. I'm supposed to be in school. What the fuck?" Oh well. Don't want anyone to see my bruise anyway. Wait-no one sees me so what do they care? Louis chuckled morbidly at his own joke. He looked in the mirror. The purple lump that made itself at home on his forehead looked atrocious. "What will Robin say when he sees this? Probably beat me up again. I should just leave. Forever. There's nothing here anyway."  Nothing except pain. Inside and out. Not really thinking anything except the fact he needed to get away, he threw his few things into a backpack & and started walking. Didn't matter where. He didn't care. As long as it took him away from that drunk's house. And the drunk he was supposed to call father. He longed for a home. Somewhere he could find love. But instead he told himself he didn't really need love. Just himself and wit. To stay alive on the streets. As he trudged on, lost in his own thoughts, he stumbled into a very poshy neighborhood. Oh yeah. This is where those 3 kids at school live. He only saw them once. And the faces of only 2. The one with the mop of curls was walking backwards. Louis started laughing quietly to himself at that. There was something kinda strange about that boy. He was a little quirky. Lou always heard that his name was Harry & he was rather cheeky & wierd, but in a good way. He didn't really believe that a posh boy could be wierd until he saw him walking backwards down the hall. Then, he had also heard he was very cute and charming (That came from the girls. His name was a legend among the freshman posh group. Literally. Why am I even thinking about this boy? He had even laughed a little while thinking about him. For the first time in-well, Louis couldn't even remember the last time he laughed. Really laughed on his own, because something was funny. And I haven't even seen his face! Whatever. He's so out of reach. Wait-reach? Where did that come from? He saw the back of his head. That's all. And an adorable quirkiness as he giggled and teased his friends. Giggled? Was that the right word? Had this Harry really giggled? That seems a little ga-"Whoah! Watch out there!" Louis yelled roughly as he hit ground. He expected some bully from school was walking home and was about to beat him up. Then he heard a gasp. "Oh my gosh-I'm so sorry!!!!" A raspy voice caught Lou's attention.
"Just watch where you walk next time, would you?" He was curious about who it was but he still didn't look up. Brushing himself off, he kept walking. A rather hurried step was catching up to him.
"I said I'm sorry."
"Ok." Cold & clipped.
Silence for a bit.
"Why are you still walking with me?"
"I'm walking home. What about you?"
Louis looked up at the younger boy for the first time. Harry! Shit. I was so rude! Shit my life. He's GOT to hate me. But his emerald green eyes held anything but hate. Just curiosity.
"You ok?"
"Oh! Yeah, um. You asked something?"
"Yeah, I just asked what you were doing here."
Realizing that sounded harsh, Harry added
"I don't care if you are. Just curious."
"Um, that's fine I guess. I don't really know what I'm doing. Ran away from home this morning, so..."
"Parents? There's a bruise on your forehead." He lightly touched it. 
Louis flinched a bit, blushed and embarrassed. Or was because Harry just touched him?
"Awww, he's blushing. Did I do something?"
"No! I, I just. Um..."
Harry laughed. Louis looked back at him suddenly. His laugh is so beautiful!
"Is there something in my eye? You're kinda staring at them. By the way, I'm Harry."
Louis blushed again, turning away.
"I know."
"You know?"
"You're the most talked about boy in the school."
"The most talked about boy means everyone talks about me. So does that mean you talk about me?" (smirks)
"No-I mean-who would I talk to? Its not like I have friends!"
"So you WOULD talk about me if you had friends?"
"Harry! No! Just, mind your own business!"
Louis almost smiled.
But Harry wasn't quieted so easily.
"There is something you could do that would shut me up." Seeing Louis attention caught, he continued, smirking."You could just give me a ki-"    
A woman bounded out of a huge house and gave Harry a big hug.
"How was your day honey?"
Louis fidgeted, clearly uncomfortable.
"I better go, I-"
"Who's this?" she interrupted. "Hazza, did you make a new friend?"
"Oh yeah-this is my mum, Anne. And mum, this is..." he stopped short, blushing. This was embarrassing. He didn't even know the lads name!
"Louis. Um, I should probably go." Lou offered. Anne didn't waste any time. She ran over to him and gave him a hug.
"No need to leave so soon! I mean, unless you have somewhere to go! Why don't you stay for supper?" She smiled invitingly.
"Um, well... You sure?"
"Of course! Right Harry?"
Harry agreed enthusiastically. Very enthusiastically.

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