Part 1 - The weird thing on my wall

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She ran to meet her parents in the kitchen. Being the clumsy 3 year old she is she tripped over her own feet and fell down the stairs. She sat there for a moment contemplating wether to cry or get up and brush the imaginary dust of her pants. Well she's a kid so you can guess which one she chose.

She put her tiny chubby hands up to her eyes and let out a wail as she tried to get the attention of her parents cooking in the kitchen. She let out sobs as she heard the steps of her parents coming towards her and that just made her cry louder. Her hands still glued to her eyes as she constantly rubs them.

Mum and dad come running in thinking something really awful has happened to their daughter. This had happened so many times before with having an older brother causing most of them. Normally the pranks the 9 year old would pull on his sister were harmless but you could never be to careful. However because Joe was at his friends house the parents were worried. However once they got there they sighed in relief at the sight of there daughter in no harm.

Mum picked her up in her arms and made her way up to her bedroom and pushed the door open. The room was full of toys scattered everywhere. Octavia was a messy child but what shocked her parents was the independence this 3 year old already had. She would do everything by herself or want to do everything by herself. Now this was a benefit and a disadvantage. Having her stay up in her room and doing her own thing, preoccupying herself is what every parent wants there child to be like. However when she tries to go to the park by herself - not so great.

Putting her on her changing mat, her mum try's to calm her down, pulling funny faces and tickling her. Octavia swings her arms around trying to grab anything she can. She pulls her mums hand to her face and kisses it. It's what she always does when she got hurt. Her parents thought it was to comfort her when she was scared a way to know her parents were there.

Once Octavia had calmed down her mum picked her up and placed her in her crib. Baby blue blankets covering the mattress and her selection of Winnie the Pooh toys lay around the edge to keep her calm and safe. The wooden crib lay under a mobile of little animals and when each one was pulled it sang a different lullaby.

The whole room was blue. From a very young age, Octavia favourite colour was baby blue, she even made sure all her clothes were blue. Again her parents made the assumption that this was down to Joe. Joe loved the colour blue and made sure Octavia thought that too. He loved Octavia so much and made sure everything he did, he did it with her.

Her mum sat down on the seat next to the crib. She stayed there every time she put Octavia to bed, stayed there till she fell asleep. She changed between reading, talking or singing to her every time. But Octavia's favourite was the singing, it calmed her and made her fall asleep near enough instantly. Her mum had an amazing voice - everyone said she should write her own songs and record them but every time she kindly rejected the idea saying she was going to focus on her children.

Her dad had gone out to pick up Joe from his friends house. He was completely different from his sister, very dependent on people around him. But like Octavia, he was probably one of the cutest, kindest and sweetest people you would meet.

After picking him up from a house a few doors down, Joe and his dad made there way back to the house and made sure that they were quiet when they stepped in. However that didn't last long when there dad mentioned that Octavia had fallen down the stairs. Another amazing thing about Joe was the fact that he was so protective over his baby sister. So making his way up the stairs he headed straight for her door and barging in. His mum was in mid song and stopped with a slightly irritated sigh as she had been interrupted and the fact that whoever just ran in could have woken up Octavia. However once she looked up and saw it was Joe she smiled at him and whispered to him that she was ok.

Although Joe believed her he always had to check for himself. Octavia was never really calm until Joe had kissed her on her forehead and stroked her hair. It was what he always did. However the cutest thing they made up about a year ago, happened moments after.

Joe bent down and whispered something in her ear, there parents not even knowing what he said, and then looked her straight in the eye and smiled at her. Every time they asked what he whispered he would always shake his head, tut and then say 'Shh secret.' Putting his hand in front of her face in a tight fist shape he waited for her to respond. When there knuckles slightly touched, a small tap, he swayed his fingers while pulling back his hand and whispering 'Fah Lah Lah Lah Lah' and she would do the same. Because she was 3 her words weren't exactly up to the 9 year olds quality so hers sounded more like 'Flah Lahh Lahh Lahf' and that always made Joe laugh.

There mum watched the scene before her and tilted her head up a bit. She stared at the clock like thing attached to the wall. It always made her smile. There were some families that have some. It's started ages ago, a group of people that had a tag on their wrist that was a countdown. No one knew exactly what it meant then and it just kept on counting down till it ended and that's when everything changed for them.

It was a blessing and parents never told there kids till the timer said a year left. They never wanted there child to worry about something that they could not change. It was very important to the families that had it. It was so important because it was a countdown till they met there true love. Other half. Soul Mate.


First chapter.
Please guys, tell me what you think of it so far.




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