CHAPTER 35: A Bargain.

Start from the beginning

But he got out from under me and took off the shirt he was wearing, were we really going to do this, I doubt it. Yet I must admit it was like looking at Adonis, even though I had never seen Adonis I was sure he could not compare. So he came beside me again, I reached to touch his chest, usually vampires were cold but Vaarien wasn’t. I ran my hand down his chest over his abs, what was I doing? Normally I would never do something like this, not this bold, but at the moment I couldn’t help it, so I pulled his mouth down to mine and kissed him, I knew he was losing it too,I could tell especially since he was rubbing against me and that wasn’t helping my rational thoughts, he was enjoying himself. He pulled us up, so I was straddling him, as he kissed me again, I felt as he put his hands on my butt and pulled me into him, all this time I was trying to suppress the emotions running through me but I couldn’t hold this one in and I moaned again.

That’s when we heard loud footsteps approaching, I pulled away to look at Vaarien, he didn’t seem pleased that something had drawn my attention away from him. Then there was a knock at my door, so Vaarien let go of me and went to answer it. Apparently it was Karveen, Neptune wanted to see Vaarien, somehow it seemed that Karveen didn’t like Vaarien very much, which could also attain to the fact that Vaarien was way more powerful than Karveen could ever be, that must suck very much.

“Tell him I will be right there”, Vaarien said as he closed the door.

 He turned to look at me and I knew that our relationship could never be the same. Our blood link meant something and I couldn’t help the way I felt about Vaarien. I knew I couldn’t marry Hayden if I tried, not because Vaarien had meant what he said about killing him but that deep down inside maybe I did truly belonged to Vaarien whether I wanted to admit it or not, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t run from him for as long as possible. There were always ways to elude a vampire even one as powerful as Vaarien, I just had to figure out how.

The thing that I had never considered was that the sensing of blood worked both ways, just as Vaarien could sense me I could do the same with him, but I had to figure that out and I would. I watched as Vaarien strode over to the bed and sat on it to look at me.

“I will heal Saber because you care for him, but when I am ready I will make my own request”, he said, I lowered my head because I knew what that would mean. He lifted my chin so that I would look at him and he kissed me.  That’s when I got it, it wasn’t about sex, it was much more, and it was about a soul, my soul, his soul mate. When he pulled away he looked at me, and stroked my face.

“I will be right back”, he said, “Your father wants to see me”.

“Sure”, I said, there was no reason to act like I didn’t care, he knew I did. I watched as he pulled on his shirt, he was looking at me as well. I wasn’t really sure where we stood but I knew he would make it very clear when he got back. He touched my face before he left, I could tell he didn’t want to leave but something was up, something big. I was allowing myself to sense the atmosphere and the moods surrounding it and the air didn’t say great things. So I lay down and I waited for Vaarien to return but maybe I should be trying to find a way out of here, so I got off the bed, I wondered if he could sense that I would try something. There was only one way in, through the door Vaarien left from, but I knew there were other rooms attached to my room and then further out, the ocean. One thing I knew was that once I was in my element I would be hard to keep track of, even if my father was the king of the sea and I was down to scraps. I still had advantages of water and the life in it, they could hide me but that didn’t mean that Vaarien couldn’t find me. I just needed to get my priorities in order and I would be fine, but then I felt something move, something big, what was happening? There was a shaking and then everything was fine again, so I went to the corner of the room and projected my shield to cover myself if anything of consequence occurred. I heard the door nab turn and Vaarien stood at the door.

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