2| The Fire Signs

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Leo was jolted awake by a shake in his shoulder.

"Wake up, Leo! It's kind of an emergency."

Leo sat up sleepily and noticed Sagittarius standing over him. Her golden blonde hair was a mess around her head and her eyes were a very bright, startling purple. Leo estimated her to be 160cm.

"Wha--? Sagittarius, what are you doing here?"

"Well, what would you think? We're in a completely strange room and Aries is asleep and I have to wake him up!" Sagittarius's voice was panicky.

Leo yawned and sat up. He had brown-blond hair with a bit of brown. His orange eyes had flecks of gold in them, and as he stood up, he noticed that he was 165cm.

"Sagi, chill, okay? I'm going to wake Aries up and we are going to find a way out." Leo said as calmly as he could, trying to sound positive.

Sagittarius sighed and paced the room. Leo rolled his eyes and walked over to Aries. He poked his shoulder, then his arm. When Aries didn't wake up, Leo began poking him harder.

"HEY!" Aries's eyes shot open and he glared fiercely at Leo. "What was that for?"

Aries was 175cm tall and quite intimidating. He had crimson red eyes, the colour of blood, and raven black hair that was flattened at the top but stuck out at the back.

Leo tried not to laugh. "Well, Sagi was scared of waking you up, so I did."

Aries mumbled some curses and stood up. "Where are we?"

"On Earth!" Sagittarius called. She was in a corner of the room, waving a small piece of paper and standing beside a cupboard.

"What does it say?" Aries asked.

Sagittarius squinted at the paper. "Well, it's kind of hard to read but I'm pretty sure it reads 'You're humans on Earth. Good luck.' "

"Ri-ight. Any idea how to get out?" Leo asked.

At the same time, Aries yelled, "Wait, EARTH? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHY THE--"

Leo didn't hear the rest of Aries's shouting as his hands were over his ears, but Aries was obviously not pleased.

Leo waited till Aries had calmed down enough, then removed his hands.

"Aries, shouting isn't going to help and you know it. Let's concentrate on finding a way out, alright?"

Aries nodded grumpily, muttering under his breath.

The fire signs began their search for an exit, scanning the walls and inspecting the walls for any sign of a door.

Leo ran his hands over one of the walls. Nothing.

After a long time, the fire signs were on the verge of giving up. Sagittarius had even resorted to crawling on the floor.

"I am going to kill whoever locked us in here," she mumbled.

Suddenly, Aries's eyes lit up. "Sagittarius, did you search every part of that cupboard?"

Sagittarius looked up. "No, it was old and had spiders in it. No way am I touching that cupboard more than I need to."

Aries rushed over to the cupboard. He opened it and fished around inside. After awhile, he grinned in triumph and he pushed something.

There was a clicking sound, and a part of the floor slowly opened to reveal an empty space.

"Aries, thanks so much for being not as afraid of spiders. I mean seriously. Thank you." Leo stepped over to the hole.

"So...ummm...who's going first?" Sagittarius asked, coming up from behind.

Aries walked up, grinning slyly. Leo thought he looked more like his normal self.

"That's an easy question, Sagi. You are."

With that, he pushed Sagittarius into the hole.

Leo was gaping in shock when he felt a hard shove. He stumbled, tripped, and fell into the hole. Before he could fall any further, he twisted to grab Aries's leg, and both of them tumbled into the mysterious, dark hole.

Published 19 March 2016

Zodiac Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें