Chapter 4

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I began to notice something red on the tuner and I know it was blood. I watched my white long sleeve and now full of blood but I don't feel anything except when my head began to ache again making me fall to sleep.

No don't fall asleep Eliaza your going to die in blood loss. He will be here in a moment now, just hold on and be strong. 

I keep on saying to myself, then my tears streamed down my face terribly not because I now feel the bullet on my back but because I'm so happy that we see each other again but I'm afraid it could be too late-- too late to tell him how he mean to me.

But I was gone again.

I wake up.

 That I thought I could never be. 

But I wasn't alone anymore there I see my mom she was holding my pale hand and never lose her grip on it. Her eyes were gleaming and her tears were started falling then she kissed them repeatedly.

"My daughter... My Eliaza.." She murmured.

I just smiled at her and kissed her hand the same as what she did in mine.

I looked near the door. He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Good morning Eliaza," I'm so glad Jeremy were ok.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Where's Uncle Charles?" I asked. Which made them both cringed. After a very long paused Jeremy finally said.

"He's gone Eliaza. He tried to shoot me but Daniel came and shot him first. It was a bloody fight which we never thought he could do its more than enough that he pay for what he has done"

But that doesn't shocked me up.

"Where's Daniel?" I asked hopefully.

A long paused ringed again.

"He said that..... He still not ready to see you now, he can't forgive himself for leaving you like that for the second time, we both don't know you were shot, and you were already unconscious when we found you in the car. We thought we will lose you again." He said sincerely. 

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