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--Roxy's POV--

Auuguguguuuughugh! All week! All week Dirk and Jake have refused to talk to each other! They won't even sit at the same lunch table! Its been so hard hanging out with each of them equally! Another thing too! All they do is ask about the other! You can't do this! they are being so immature! Honestly you just want to lock them in a room together and not let them out until they make up! Or make out, which ever works for them!

"Here we go again" You think as you carry your lunch tray to the eating area. Jake has chosen the table closest to the lunch counter while Dirk sits at the farthest table, in the corner. Since you sat with Jake on Thursday you guess you're sitting with Dirk today? Augh! this is so stupid! Dirk and Jake shouldn't be putting Jane and you through this! They shouldn't make you switch tables everyday! Honestly, they're being pretty selfish. You are going to tell Dirk that you're sitting with Jake and Jane, and if he wants to be a selfish little-

Is Dirk wiping away tears? ohmanohmanohman! You rush over to Dirk, forgetting all your frustration. Instead you feel sympathy, and a little scared. Dirk never so much as laughs in school, never mind crying!

"Hey Dirky are you okay?" You ask concerned

Dirk sniffs, aw what a cutey.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He answers with a fake smirk

"Aww c'mon Dirk don't give me that."

"I honestly I have no idea what you're talking about Lalonde"

You sit down and take a bite of the disgusting school food

"yef you jdoo"

"Roxy, that's very charming" Dirk says, cringing at your poor manners

"he he, I gnow youf ate it when gfoeple chew wiff der moufs open" You say, shoving another spoonful of something that's supposed to be shepherds pie into your mouth.

"Seriously Lalonde, I'm going to be sick" Dirk says, covering his eyes with his hand.

"ven chell meh whaghts wong!"


"Whoops, gonna be late for class, see you later Roxy!" Dirk says hurriedly as he quickly packs up his stuff and absconds to the hallway. Nice abscond! No, don't encourage him! You know very well Dirk has an automotive class next, and that class is really close. He has more than enough time to get to that class. You rub your chin, hmmmm, how to get Dirk and Jake to make up? All of the sudden you get an amazing idea! Your face lights up in a devious cat faced grin and you rub your hands together.

"Oh ho, I'll certainly see you later mister Strider, much later >:3"


"Aw shit! Class!" You exclaim, grabbing your bags and dashing off to your next class.

(A/N) Sorry the chapter have been so short, I've been really busy, and rushed! I promise the chapter will be a lot longer next time!

Don't forget to vote! Whelp, enjoy! Also comment for ships and other characters you want in the story, and/ or suggestions!

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