Creator Update

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Now before some one gets mad

The idea for creators is not one of mine but it is somthing we love to use

Creator update probably the most influential of all the updates we have because this update brought structure to Lakeview

The Creator class is a title given to a being from Lakeview that isn't a charactor that is claimed

In Lakeview there are 3 resident creators

Kathryn ( shortened to kate )
And Tyler

The creators arnt the Highest order in Lakeview

There is a type of hierarchy in Lakeview in relations between council, creator , and creations


The council is a group of select beings that are the decision makers of Lakeview they govern when people Die and when disasters strike

In a later chapter we will go deeper into the roles the creators have and the powers they have and we will also go over the council to

Lakeview: A creator's Notes Where stories live. Discover now