Messages and tweets and a few texts from Sean earlier about having to go into work then a string of them about Jeff but still nothing from the boy leaving weird feelings in my stomach.

P: Are you alive?
P: .....Did you collapse in the air? 👀

Eventually getting bored of the quiet, I find myself at the bookstore Sean and Jeff work. The door opens with a ding and the aroma of worn books and old furniture takes over.

There's a few people in the shop one sitting on the couch right by the door, another on the chair opposite of the couch and a couple in one of the aisles with fingers laced together making googily eyes at each other. They're sweet, it's almost gross just how sweet.

"Where's Jeff?" I lean against the front counter, grabbing one of Sean's chips. "He had a date," Sean sighs. "A date? With who?" My eyebrows pull together. "I don't know, some girl that came in the other day," Sean dismisses with a wave of the hand.

"You're bothered by this," I observe out loud. Sean lets out a big dramatic huff and shuts the book he was pretending to read. "I've only been chasing the guy for the past two months." "Calm down it's just a date," I chuckle. "You have dates all the time."

"You look like crap," he says instead of acknowledging his hypocrisy. "Yeah well that's what happens when you let your roommates drag you around town and get you wasted," I retort and check my phone. "No, that's what happens when you're a lightweight and never drink," he replies smartly. "Whatever," I groan.

"Why do you keep checking your phone? Did you meet someone last night? Oh god- it's not Gary again is it?" "No and why do you Haley always say that like he's some kind of parasite?" "Because....Gary. It's just a terrible name El and he was going nowhere in life," Sean shudders.

"Well jokes on all of us because he's actually doing really well." "Why do you know that? You know what, don't answer that. I know why. Stop trying to change the subject."

"I'm not trying to change anything, I don't even remember what we were talking about," I shrug. Sean rolls his eyes. "Like hell you don't. Is this about mystery boy?" I go rigid and I'm sure he notices. "No. I don't even talk to him anymore," I try brushing it off and sounding nonchalant.

"I know that's who yodel is in your phone," he says unimpressed. "What are you talking about no it's not." "I'm not stupid," he deadpans. "I don't know what you're talking about," I sniff. "He called last night." My breath hitches in my throat.

Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.

"You were drunk off your ass and apparently called him while we were out? He called back while I was leaving your aspirin to make sure you got home alright," Sean informs.

I clear my throat and try to shake the tight feeling in my chest.

"What did he say?" "Just that," Sean shrugs. I stare at him expectantly. "Jeez, do you want a play-by-play?" When I don't reply he lets out a breath. "Haley had just tucked you in and your phone rang. She was almost as drunk as you, threw the phone at me and told me to make it stop."

"I answered. A very hot accented voice said hello back then asked if you were okay and if we all got home alright. I said yes and told him you were already snoring. He said okay and told me to make sure you had some sort of hangover recovery nearby, I told him about the aspirin then I made him listen to your loud snores-"

"You played him my snores?!" I gape. "Relax, he thought it was funny." I shake my head at him. "Then he said he had to go but just wanted to make sure you were okay first."

"Do you know what I told him?...Like, before or whatever?" I ask, chewing the inside of my cheek. "No, I don't even remember seeing you with your phone." "Well he's gone radio silence on me," I frown, trying to remember what I might have said but I can't even remember calling him.

"Maybe you confessed your secret undying love for him," Sean teases. "Ha. Ha. We're friends. Like I always say, not everything is about love and romance," I grumble.

"Maybe. Or maybe it is," Sean wiggles his brows with a grin. "Why else are you hiding him from us?" "I'm not hiding anyone from you I just happen to have friends that have nothing to do with you two." "Okay Penelope, whatever you say," he hums. "Shut up," I scuff, walking away from him in annoyance.

I'm not hiding him from them. Really. And if I were it wouldn't be because I'm secretly in love with him or anything; I don't even really know him. We're just friends. But if it were the case and I was hiding him, it'd be because Sean and Haley like to insert themselves into everything I do and meddle like it's nobody's business.

This is mine. This is a friendship just for me. Which isn't something that really happens when you grow up with the same two people, live with them, and go to the same school every year.

So, see. This isn't about love or romance. This was about me. Me and my friend. One that Haley and Sean didn't know anything about.

Like his ridiculous jokes or his idiotically endearing friends or his really old dog he loves named Molly that he's had since he was baby.

They didn't know his favorite song was one that reminded him of being a kid or how his first ever concert was still his favorite he's ever been to. They didn't know his favorite Christmas gift was a red bike he fell off not even a week later and how he still has a small scar left to prove it. They didn't know anything about him.

He wasn't ours, he was mine.

Question: When they text/talk/when he's mentioned should I leave it as is or use L instead?

Also thanks loads on the 2k reads so far <3

Comments & votes are always appreciated! (:

Wrong Numberजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें