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its November 8th 2020, I was walking around the school as always, doing my daily check to make sure no students were still here. But as always two 6th graders were wandering around Alpadane Middle School talking, taking selfies and all that kid junk. "hey you two its time to go home!" i shouted, one girl looked about 5'3 dark short brown thick shiny hair, wearing a smooth clean looking  school spirit shirt with tight leggings and perfectly done makeup the other a 4'3 looking boy hair looks raggedy wearing a jersey  for the saints the most famous foot ball team for a 3 year winning streak. They said they were sorry and walked off Mr.Maridoff the principle thanked me and said i did a good job as always. It was finally time for me to go home. '' oh boy i hope my mom isn't to worried '' I thought, i opened the heavy rusty steel door and walked trough the chilly windy evening, the leaves cracked beneath my feet as i walked home from school. I opened the old wooden door and my mom yelled from the kitchen, '' where have you been Jenna's been calling for 20 mins!'' i yelled back as i threw my backpack on the floor ''im sorry i didn't tell you! i had to stay after school for the daily check of the school! why weren't you there to pick me up?!'' but of course she didn't answer so i ran up stairs to go on my laptop and watch Netflix '' dinner!'' my mom yelled '' man '' I slowly walked hunch back down stairs my dad hit me on the back and yelled '' hey champ! where ya been '' '' places '' i replied. the dinner was crunchy tacos filled with dark brown squishy meat, the light bleachy looking lettuce, the dark red wet tomatoes fell out of the tacos it looked delicious! we crunched on the tacos just me, my mom, and my dad my older brothers in Minnesota while were here stuck in Michigan. It was about 9:00 p.m  when Jenna called again but i ignored i was half asleep watching My Angel  on Netflix  i soon fell asleep on my bean bag chair in my room. BEEP BEEP BEEP ......... BEEP BEEP BEEP  my alarm went off about 8 more times before i actually got up i smacked the floor multiple times just to barley see the alarm and my glasses on the other side of the room. '' w-what? what t-time is i-it?'' i said very tiredly. My mom walked in she got my glasses off the end table stopped the alarm clock and said that i looked terrible. i wasn't feeling to good as well my mom checked my temperature 199 i was obviously staying home today.

I just stayed in my room watching the same thing. I was home alone my mom was with her friends and my dad was working '' I CANT BELIEVE IM SICK ON A TUESDAY! THIS WAS THE DAY OF THE BAKE SALE AND PREP ASSEMBLY  WE WOULD HAVE ONLY HAD TWO HOURS OF LEARNING UGH'' i yelled to make me feel better i took some chocolate from my moms bed after that i watched 50 mins of anime just because. Then all of a sudden i heard a yell of 'any body home?!?!' the voice sounded familiar   a voice i haven't heard in a long time '' huh? HAYDEN!!!'' i yelled,face full of chocolate i ran down stairs and hugged him tightly ''oh! hey lil'sis i missed you it took me a while to get back the airport closed down so i had to take the car "IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK" i said happily '' you sound terrible sis! wheres mom? why do you have chocolate on your face? why aren't you at school?'' he replied '' moms with friends,you don't need to know,and I'm sick" he just nodded saying that made sense. He handed me a gift it was oddly small but i tore it open with one screeching tear. It was, "ANIME CANDY" i yelled happily " yeah i thought you'd like it! now go back to bed haha" Hayden joked. I heard a car door close and a slight muffled voice of " see ya next week Lauren!" " Hayden, moms home! i have to go back upstairs", Hayden nodded i ran up stairs as i was running i heard the creak of a wooden door open quickly  i heard downstairs a scream then a yell of HAYDEN!! then a drop of bags and a hug.  it was about 8:00 when everyone was eating dinner i was feeling better my mom got up and went to the fridge for some of those sausage rope things "man were all out of sausage i was going to heat some up for snacks tomorrow " my mom said sounding dissapointed, " ill go up to the store mom" i replied "alright but its dark you sure you can see through there?"

i nodded grabbed a couple bucks and stormed off into the dark,rainy night "oh geez i expected it to be dark but not this dark oh my god, oh sweet its just over there" i said to my self i spotted the bright light of the shop in the distance just across the road "okay no cars around well theres a car coming but it doesn't look very close, maybe i can quickly run across" i said to my self again i ran the car was closer it looked speeding all of a sudden i felt a stinging pain almost evey where on my body i was bleeding very bad my arm had pretty much been crushed by the zooming car i was screaming i couldnt get my arm out from under the tire the car had stopped right where i had fallen the driver got out it was very hard to see my eyes were filled with tears and blood dripping down my face i could hardly see my glasses in the distance i could barely see a silhouette of a completly black figure. it but its foot on my face it felt weird nothing like a shoe more like a gas type thing thouh it still stung wen it touched me i yelled at it to hel but it just stood there the paint finally knocked me out. " what w-where am i?!" my glasses were still off but i look about 5 ft off the ground i just sobbed and cried for help i saw the same black figure in the corner of the room playing with me it said something i dont know what tjhe voice ws quiet it sounded very soft and faded so i just yelled " GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW GUY OF ILL CALL THE POLICE!!" i was getting very mad and steamy the figured whispered something and all of a sudden i could see again. the figure looked very black it wasn't human and it wasn't an animal it look shadowy and see through i could see a tiny little box,pills labeled duotine, a knife,cards, and my phone it all of a sudden disappeared  the returned in front of me it yelled the voice changed from quite to loud,raspy, and it long bloody sharp teeth stuck out the tounge looked about as long as a giraffes it yelled "DON'T YOU EVER SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT I MIGHT AS WELL JUST BRING YOU TO REMOR RIGHT NOW SO HE CAN DEAL WITH YOU HIMSELF!" "or i could shove my duotine down your throat" he continued then he looked normal again so he grabbed the duotine opened the tiny bottle very slowly the the thing had a sigh of relief the pills weren't  to big i didn't know what they  were so i was scared i knew i wouldn't want to mess with this thing so i opened my mouth awaiting the dark red hard looking pills i tried to suck up my tears, but all of a sudden i had remembered "I TAKE KARATE" i thought so when he was about to drop the first pill in my mouth i did a very hard kick right though his body he was pushed back to the wall i was still hung with my arm i squrmed my way through the rope and was free i thought " its gonna be harder fighting with one arm but i can do it" the thing hissed at e very loudly i all of a sudden reconized it " A BANSHEE!" the banshee screamed very loudly i dropped to the floor covering my ears i screamed multiple times i tried crawling over to the knife but the banshee had the same idea. i shoved it out the way and grabbed the knife ad my phone " a phone and a knife wont do anything little girl" it said i replied back " well banshees hate LIGHT!" i pointed my bright phone flashlight at the banshee it screamed one more time i figured i could unlock the door with the cards and get outta there so i grabbed them ran to the locked door and started jiggling the card around the door finally opened "OH MY GOD MY ARM I COMPLETELY FORGOT wait why didn't it hurt right now?" i figured the thing must have healed it so i walked out i felt the stinging pain again my arm started spraying blood i ran home tripping and stumbling on the way i was also crying at the same time i finally made it home. By the time i got the i was right in front of the door but i was knocked out because of all the blood loss my head banged the door "Hayden can you go get the door please that might be Brenna" Hayden walked to the the and opened it "OH MY GOD BRENNA YOUR ARM MOM DAD" Hayden said while crying i was taken to the hospital they replaced my arm with a robotic one for now and a doner gave me more blood my heart pulse was normal again i stayed in the hospital for a week for more tests the doctors asked what had happened i just told them i had tripped and a car ran over my arm i didn't tell them about the banshee though but once i returned to school. A nerd like myself was getting a lot   more attention about my story and my arm i told them about the banshee and even got a few pictures of the banshee we had moved to Minnesota so that never happened again and it dosnt.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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