chapter 5

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Dustin woke up early and decided to cook breakfast "pancakes bacon and a nice fruit salad would be a great breakfast I'm sure of it"

mean while Bryan just woke up and is texting destiny a good morning text to make her feel good "good morning beautiful last night was great I love it hopefully I can see you today you think I can? hit me up when you get up ok stay beautiful <3" as he gets up and goes to the bathroom he smells the bacon and smiles to himself "today is going to be a good day"

Destiny is just waking up because her phone had started vibrating like crazy, her phone vibrates till you pick it up so she has to pick it up, she look at the text and smiles "of course we can just tell me when:)" she texts back get up off her bed and goes downstairs to get water, they say if you drink a cup of cold water before you use the bathroom or brush your teeth in the morning it boosts your metabolism.

Back at Bryans house

Everyone is sitting at the table talking amongst each other and eating having a good time. "so what's the plan for everyone today" asks momma breeding "well I'm going to go hang out with Destiny" says Bryan "i'm going to see if I can get some new sneakers with Kelly" says Patrick "im going to bring Carnell to well i don't know but im going to bring him somewhere" says Dustin suddenly a knock at the door Dustin gets up and open the door "Yo D you got what i asked for yet?" Said a guy at the door "yeah man but come up to my room i dont like doing business here" they both go up to the room and dustin says " iight man here just remember im just you'r drug dealer nothing else" he hands him a bag a weed and the guy gives him the money thanks him and leaves "Dustin Michael Breeding get you'r ass down here now!!" Says momma breeding as he comes down stairs he can tell this is not good "HOW MANY GOD DAMN TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU DON'T BRING THAT RIFF RAFF IN TO MY HOME" "sorry mom you know we could use the extra money and .." "EXTRA MONEY !? DON'T PLAY THAT ON ME DUSTIN! YOU MIGHT BE 26 years old but you are never to old for me to woop your ass! Do you understand me?" "Yes ma'am" he said and went to go help patrick with the dishes

"Bryan get down from that tree your not superman!" At that moment Bryan poses like superman and almost falls but catches him self "yeah kill your self go ahead jeez get down here!" "Destiny chill out im fine" "come on if you get down these lips are all yours !!" He looks at with wide eyes and hurries down the tree "i got off now those are mine" he picks her up and kisses her she wraps her legs around him and kisses him back

"Yo how this looks on me?" Patrick asks kelly " i like it" says kelly "did u get the sneakers you wanted?" "Yeah man lets go im hungry" says kelly "oh jesus here we go mister can eat anything and not get fat!" Says patrick .

"Baby come back to bed" says a lady in the other room Dustin comes back and sits on the side of the bed "why do you keep stressing baby" said the lady "baby you know that i love you and i love it when we make love just tonight is not a good day" said dustin "baby you know im here for you no matter what you just have to confide in me what is going on" says the lady "well baby Carnell's going to the military i cant stop this drug dealing which is making my mom disappointed in me on top of that rehearsals with studio time working almost every day I'm just stressed to the max" as he is saying this she starts to massage his shoulders "baby calm down all you need to do is relax" as she kisses his neck he closes his eyes "damn babe you really know how to turn a nigga on huh?" "Im a natural baby" he turns around and kisses her "I love you Deanna" "I love you too Dustin" he gets in top of her kissing her and pulls the covers over them

Destiny smiles and lays her head on Bryan's chest (no they did not do anything) he plays with her hair and kisses her head "This is a comfortable bed" they both laugh '' yeah my mom got it for me when i was 16 had it ever since" said destiny "wow so what happened to your parents?" Asked bryan "never knew my dad nd my mom died in a car crash a month after i turned 17" said destiny "im so sorry" said Bryan " its fine you didn't do anything so don't say sorry" he holds her and everything is quite a few minutes later they both fall asleep in each others arms

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