Training Days

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Cato's POV

  Watching that small girl break Courtney's nose was priceless. I laughed to myself as I thought about it on my way to the training center.

  When I walked into the training center, a group of girls automatically surrounded me. I loved everyone's attention. I knew that I was cocky, but I was the best swordsman in District Two. That year was going to be my year for the Games and I knew it.

  -Time Skip-

   I watched the small girl that had broken Courtney's nose train. She was actually pretty good at throwing knives. She looked like she couldn't pick up a sword to save her life though.

She obviously saw me staring because she glared at me as I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and went back to training.

  I continued on slicing and stabbing the dummies that were in front of me. I couldn't stop thinking about how it was my year for the games and how I would bring glory to my district when I would win. I wondered who my competitor's would be and who else would go in the Games with me.
  Clove's POV

  After training I thought about how Cato kept staring at me. After I noticed him staring at me, I kept glaring at him. I noticed how he was bigger than most of the boys in my training class. He must be at least 17 years  old. He was already around 6'0. Compared to me, he was a giant.

  He was not intimidating at all. Maybe to someone who was weaker and wasn't good at any weapons. He was a cocky arrogant asshole is what I would say about him.

   -Time Skip-

  A while after I got home I decided to go on a walk.

  As I walked I wondered about what the Games would be like this year. I remember a couple years back, the Game Makers made the arena into a desert. I wondered if there would be any good competition.

  I wasn't looking forward to the makeover I would have to get for the interviews. I thought about all of the things and training I would have to do for the Games,but I was excited for it. I was ready.

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