Chapter 2:

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My sweet John,

I have made it safely to camp. Troops are gathering with their colonels now. As soon as the war is won, I will be home to you, my darling.

I cannot wait to place a kiss upon your lips when I arrive. I miss you dearly, however it has only been a few days.

As I stated before my departure, I do not know when I will be back exactly. Judging by what I am seeing, it shan't be long.

The postmaster goes out weekly, so unfortunately, I will not be able to respond to you every letter that comes your way. However, I will send letters in response as soon as I possibly can.

I love you, dear. I cannot wait to hear from you.


Alexander tied the letter with a red ribbon and started walking toward the camp's postmaster. He quickly wrote the address on the outside of the letter.

Upon arrival, he could see a short man sitting near a crate, several letters inside. A list of names sat next to it.

Handing the letter to the short man, he sighed. Alexander was hungry, and was late to his group's meal.

Taking the letter, the man wrote the name on the outside of the letter onto a sheet of paper.

"John Laurens, eh?" The postmaster asked.

"Yes, sir," Alexander responded.

"Interesting. How do you two know each other?"

"We have mutual friends."

"Who might those people be?"

Alexander hesitated, yet he still opened his mouth to respond. "Well, there's—"

Interrupting Alexander's response, a man walked in front of the two.

"James, quit distracting my soldiers," he commanded to the postmaster. He then turned to Alexander. "Who are you?"

"Hamilton, sir. Alexander."

"Ah, yes," the general spoke. "Mr. Hamilton! I've heard a lot about you," he chuckled.

"Such as?" Alexander asked.

"How you came from the Carribean, your father, your mo-,"

"Oh, I see. Yes, sir, where did you hear that from?" Hamilton questioned.

"Just around," the man said. "I'm General Washington."

"Yes, sir, I know."

"Ah, you're right," Washington smiled. "Of course you would know who I am, correct?"

"Well, sure, sir," Hamilton uttered sheepishly.

Alexander looked around the camp. There were fires set up, each one burning leaves and wet wood. It was smoky and damp. The smell of pine and spice filled the air, winds gusting across the land.

"Is it starting to rain?" Washington asked, putting his hands up to see if he felt droplets.

"I believe so, sir," Alexander answered, taking his hat off, revealing his nearly gray hair. He had worn the hat ever since he woken up that morning. It was a mere 75 degrees (fahrenheit), yet it was very humid. Alex turned back toward the postmaster, who had been sitting quietly in front of the two.

"Could you mail this as soon as possible?" Alexander asked.

"I will try my best, sir," the short man spoke, putting the letter into a crate with the others.

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