Chapter two.

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The next day, I remember that mom called me to breakfast. I went downstairs and the first person I watched, was Colin.

He was right there, sitting on a corner, with a Woody, of Toy Story

He looked at me, and he smiled at me. That makes me feel relieved. My firsts thoughts when I woke up in that Saturday’s morning was that everybody was angry with me. 

Maybe everybody was. Except Colin. 

But, if Colin is here... that’s means that the Clements stay in our house last night. 

I approached to Colin.

“Hi” I told him.

“Good morning!” He said, with a smile. 

“Where are your parents?” I asked.

“In the kitchen” he said. 

“Thanks, I’ll be back in a minute” I told him and he nodded. 

Then, I walked to the kitchen and everybody was there. Except my brothers, and Keegan. 

“Good morning” I said. 

Everybody stared at me. 

I really felt ashamed with Mr. and Mrs. Clements. But his son... makes me fell angry and... I didn’t like him. 

My parents where looking at me with warn. 

Maybe I have to apologize.

To my parents this is very important, all about the Clements is important to them. And I respect that, they are good friends.

“Uhm... Mr. Clements, Mrs. Clements... I feel very ashamed with the thing that had happened yesterday. I didn’t meant it. I’m so sorry. I really like you, and I will try to meet Keegan... maybe I will like him, too” I said.

They looked at me for a few seconds. Mrs. Clements was the first that talked. 

“It’s okay, hon. Keegan was very rude. I'd talked with him. He is going to be respectful for now on. But I will really like if you go, and talk to Keegan” She said. “You can really be friends.”

Okay... that is a joke or what? I will never like Keegan. I can respect him, but be friends? 

You are kidding! We will never be friends. 

“Uhm... okay, I will” I didn’t refuse. I will try it. “Where is he?”

“He is in the game room” My mom said. 

I sighted. 

When I was out of the kitchen, I watched Colin again. 

“Hi” he said, “you want to play with me?”

I smiled.

“Yeah! Sure... actually I was going to the game room, you want to go?” I asked him. He smiled and nodded. 

He took my hand and I smiled again. I think this kid love me. 

We walked through the living room, and we entered in a room. The game room. 

And he was there, playing in the billiard table. I saw him for a seconds. He is good in the pool game. 

I thought he didn’t notice us, until Colin said “I love this room!”

Keegan looked at us. Colin took out my hand and started to play with my Nintendo DS. He was only four and he knew how to play that? Wow!

“What are you doing here?” Keegan asked. 

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