"I'll give it the short version, I hardly knew a father figure. I have always been attractive, I was raised into godhood by a goddess that took pity on me after I went crazy. Kinda a dick thing to do if you ask me. But yes I was raised into being a god. And in doing so my blood was taken away, and replaced by a special kind of magma that lets my skin almost uneffected by magic except diamond and gold weapons that are enchanted. Any other blade will only bounce off the under layer of obsidian from the time it took to cool. Uhhh I was in many wars, that's where I got all the powers. I killed many gods and stole their life forces making my blade stronger and kinda has a acidic bite to it. And that's all I'm aloud to say, Warla wants me back. And I'm kinda on a choke chain at the moment. You'll receive more in a letter. Until next time, May the wind carry you far my friend."


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