Chapter 2

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I stared at the cat with disbelief. My mom never let us have a cat because I was allergic to them but I still would like to have one,there so cute. I looked around for pretty girl. She loved cats they where like her best friends even if they didn't like her.

I decided that I would go over there to get the black cat and take it to mom. I walked over there and started to say" here kitty,kitty,kitty."

Once I got to about arms length the cat disappeared. I looked all around the room but could not find it. So I decided to go down stairs since I couldn't find it. But when I turned to walk out the door and I heard the same meow.

I looked once again to see where it was coming from and saw the cat in the doorway. It turned around and ran into the hallway. I ran straight after it, down the stairs and in to the kitchen. I looked around the room.

"that cat's fast !" I said.
Time space

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!"my mom yells from the kitchen.

I start to run into the kitchen and when I get in there I see mom on the floor and the chair upside down on top of her. "What happened mom"I ask.

"It's alright, I was putting up the dishes inside the cabinet and though that I saw a mouse and I guess I put my foot to far back in the chair." Mom explains.

Again I hear a meow and I see the cat at the end on top of the table. I run to grab it but it's to fast and runs out of the room.

"Did you see that cat mom?"

"What....what cat we don't have a cat remember  your allergic to them." Mom says.
"There was a cat was on the table. " I say.
Mom dismissed it with a wave of her hand and told me to go unpack some stuff from my room. As I walk up the stairs I get a text from my friend Rena
Rena:Hey u like ur new place 👍🏻

Me:I think I'm going crazy😕

Rena:Y do u say that😐

Me: i will have to tell u later got 2 unpack bye!😱🙋🏻

I walk up to my room and on my way I pass by Brittany's room. I think about talking to her because she always believed in my fairytales so she should believe me at the most.

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