Chapter 7: Mall Day!

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~Paris's P.O.V.~

When I saw all the guys in the door way I felt a little embarrassed, but I didn't let it get to me because I was more worried about fighting with London.

A few minutes after the guys left our room, I noticed my shirt under London's bed.

"AH HA!" I yelled pointing under her bed, "I KNEW YOU TOOK MY SHIRT!" I quickly stopped fighting and grabbed my shirt.

"Ok fine," she growled, "I did take it, but where did you put my shirt?"

"Huh, oh I put it under your desk."

She quickly ran and got her shirt. When she finished getting dressed she was wearing a white tanktop with a skull on it with black skinny jeans, and her black combat boots.

When I got done, I had one ripped skinny jeans with brown cowboy boots and a mint green tank top.

"Truce?" I asked London

"Never! I mean.. uh sure man"

After we went downstairs and saw all the host waiting for us. Except for Hani and Mori.

"Erm what's going on?" I questioned all of them. "Please tell us we aren't having a surprise metting"

"No, nothing like that" Kyoya replied with a sigh. "Tamaki told us he wanted to take you girls to the mall and he wanted us to come."

"Ok good, I was about to say." London sighed with relief.

"Well, now that we are all here, are you all ready to go?" Tamaki questioned us.

"Yeah." The rest of us said. We all then walked out side and got into the limo. Me and London got in first. We sat in the middle of one row of seats, and the twins came and sat by us. Hikaru sat by London and Kaoru sat by me.

One the other side Haruhi Sat next to Tamaki and Kyoya.

Tamaki had told us that Mori and Hani would meet us there. He also told us that we were going to a commoners mall... ( =_= )

The whole ride there I just put my arm on the window and laid my head down, while I looked at the window.

When we arrived at the mall, Tamaki asked everyone where we wanted to go, but we all said different things. Haruhi wanted to go look get food because she forgot to eat, Kyoya wanted to just look around, and Me, London, Hikaru, and Kaoru wanted to go to the arcade.

"Ok since we all have different things that we want to do, we will all split up and meet back here in a few hours." Tamaki announced. 

"Thats fine with us!" Me and London yelled and ran into the large mall. When we found the arcade we just looked at each other outside the doors.

"Its...Beautiful man." London said while placing her hand on her heart.

"Yeah it it," I exclaimed. Then we both felt a hand on our shoulders.

"AH!" we both flipped out because we didn't know who it was, until we turned around and saw that it was just Hikaru and Kaoru.

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