Chapter 5 A Cold heart

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It's been exactly 12 days since the invasion and Damion has not been to Solenia's place. Since then Damion had been in his room and has not come out and left Carter in charge.

"Damion can I come in?!" carter asked knocking on his door. "No! (Muffled)" "Ok coming in!" he went inside and saw Damion faced down with his face in a pillow. He sat up with massive bedhead and blood shot eyes.

"WHOA!!! What the hell happened to you! You look horrible" "Gee thanks know I thought you were supposed to make me feel better." "Um...well how am I supposed to make you feel better if I don't even know the problem."

"The problem is that I kissed Solenia on the lips and healed a cut on her neck by licking it!" "YOU WHAT!!!!" Carter yelled. Damion ran to him and held a knife up to his neck. "SHUT UP CARTER OR I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT!!!" he said strongly.

"Oh sorry...ok you kissed her for how long?" "Um a quick second...and I licked the cut for two reasons first reason there was blood, second I felt bad for cutting her neck."

" know...why are you panicking about this?" "because...I KISSED HER!!!!" "Right ok well maybe you kissed her because you liked her I mean your other self was attracted to her and you kind of have an attraction to her so...."

"So that's what this feeling is?" "What are you feeling?" "I don't know it's like....whenever I hear her voice I feel a warm presence whenever she touches me it fills me with energy and it's a strange energy is this what it's like to like someone?"

"....*Sigh*...Bro you have this is just sad, this is really have never liked anyone before you were re-born?" "Bro you don't know me at all do you? I don't have feelings I never least I think I don't have feelings." "Aw you poor thing your conflicted." Damion looked at him with a killer stare.

"Say that one more time and I will punch your face." "Well you might have feelings and emotions, although they are small emotions but your biggest is Anger and the rarest emotion of them all...the blood emotion."

"But those are the only two emotions that exist right?" Carter face palmed. "Ok looks like I have a lot to explain to you. Damion it's time...!" "Uh....time for what?" "SCHOOOOLL!!!!"

"Oh hell no!!!!!!" "Come on you have to learn!" So Carter started the lessons on emotions and feelings but what they didn't know was that Paige was listening the whole entire time and rage fill her body. She left the base and headed to Solenia's castle. Solenia sat at her vanity brushing her hair.

She had left her balcony door's open. She was humming the melody that Damion had left her with. All of a sudden an ice cycle was thrown at her mirror and it cracked. Solenia immediately got up. Paige didn't even bother putting on her cloak, she just went straight there.

"You son of A BITCH!!" she screamed in anger. Solenia looked at the clock to see it was 11:30 she had to survive another 30 minutes. "What are you doing here?!" she asked dodging all of her attacks. "You did this to Damion!"

"Huh?" "You made Damion retreat to his room for 12 days straight!" she yelled. "You wouldn't hurt me! If you did Damion would never forgive you!" "I can live with that getting rid of you will be what's best for him!"

"How would you know what's best for him! He knows what's best for himself he doesn't need you to decide that for him!" "Shut up!" she pushed her out the window.

She made her wings appear and flew back up. "How dare you!!" Paige flew after her. "What is your problem!!" she yelled. "My problem is you!!" Paige started attacking her with ice. "Your not strong enough to handle my powers." " you know who your dealing with do you!"

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