New school

359 21 4

*skip Sunday*

"Nicole get up you have school today, I'm going into work I'll see you later."

Ew school. I don't want to go. New people new classes. Might as well get it over with. After I got out of the shower I put on some blue skinny jeans and Britain shirt on with some white converse. I brushed out my hair and braided it to the side. I grabbed my headphones, phone, and my bag and headed to school. My mom said it was only like 10 minutes away so I was perfectly fine with walking. I like walking most of the time.

These woods seriously creep me out. I just decided to listen to my music, blasting it to get my mind off the woods. I finally get to the school and turn off my music. I walk into the front office and ask the lady for my information. "Here you go sweetheart." she's nice I like her.

Let's see first 3 periods chemistry English then I have a free period, cool. Locker A714. I would ask some one for help but I don't like talking to strangers so I'm on my own. After about 10 minutes I found my locker and opened it emptying my bag of its things and putting things of what I would need back into my bag. Ok now I can go to class. I couldn't find it anywhere why does this school have to be so big and confusing ugh. After about 5 minutes I found it and the bell rang about three minutes ago so I was late. I walked in and had all eyes on me. I walked up to the teacher and gave him my paper. "um I'm Nicole I just moved here so I'm new."Ah yes Ms.Ramirez. your late I'm Mr.Harris and here's your worksheet you can sit next to Ms.Argent over there." he said in a monotone voice handing me me my papers and pushing me over to a pretty girl.

"Hi I'm Allison Argent nice to meet you. You are?" "I'm Nicole Ramirez. it's nice to meet you to." I took her features, light brown hair, flawless skin brown eyes and a great taste in fashion. I think I have a new friend. "So where are you from?" she asked "Uh Arizona." "Hey can I um see your paper. So I can see if we have any other classes together?" "yea sure. Here" I said giving her my paper with my classes on it. She looked at it and grinned at me. "Good news we have most classes together so I can help you out." wow that was actually kind of a relief. I liked her she looked so sweet. I smiled back at her nodding my head, then realizing I didn't know what to do for my free period so I asked her. "Hey Allison um what do you during free period?" "Oh I usually just go out in the field and watch the lacrosse practice. Wanna come with me and my friend Lydia?" I couldn't deny that I had nothing to do so I accepted. "Sure I would love to." After class Allison and I went to English. I sat down next to her while more teenagers came in. I undid my braid letting my hair loose since it was dry. Allison started to introduce me to her friends. " Hey Nicole these are my friends Lydia, Scott, Stiles this is my friend Nicole. She just moved here." Lydia was kinda like a redhead with great taste like Allison and kind of preppy looking. Then there was Scott, he wasn't to bad looking. He was tall, built, not like overly built, had dark brown hair that was up, a muscle shirt with a plaid shirt over it. Then lastly Stiles he had a buzz-cut and just a plain shirt with a jacket over it. "Hey" they all said in usion.

We spent the rest of class goofing off laughing getting to know each other then free period came. I found out that Stiles and Scott are in lacrosse together. Allison, Lydia and I went to sit at the benches, watching the boys file onto the field in their gear. "Allison Scott found another one in the locker room!" Stiles whispered to Allison trying to make it secret failing obviously. "Another what?" I asked not knowing what they were talking about."Uh- a-another wild animal from the woods?" Stiles stuttered nervously, more like asking a question than telling me. But like the rest of this weird town I just brush it off.

"So who's who?" I ask Allison as I see Stiles getting in line with the rest of the team. "Well Stiles is number 24 and Scott's number 11." Lacrosse does not make sense to me. I didn't know the goalie were suppose to tackle the guy trying to make a goal. oh wait your not. I had no idea what Scott was doing he kept tackling the players and then sniffing them. Like I said this town is weird but I think I can get use to weird.

(a/n once again bad chapter guy's so sorry and sorry to update so late I've been busy with school and other stuff)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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