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      It happened in math class my teacher was lecturing the class about not talking as she was talking I was doodling in my notebook. As I was doodling in my notebook I look up to see every one staring at me.

"Bonnie do you know the answer?" my teacher says staring down at me

"can you say the question again?" I say

"what was last night home work?" she says she had changed the subject since the last time I was lessoning.

"hm I don't know I'm sorry"

"well if you would start paying attention in class maybe you would get an A" she say as she walks away I look back down at my paper then I flip my notebook closed and look up at my teacher and that's when I saw her.

     she had long black hair that covers her faces making it so I cant see her face she wear a black night gown she has no shoes on. I look around the room to see if anyone else can see her too but no one can. When I look back up at her she mouths the words "you can see me" but before I can mouth back yes she is gone.

    When I get home my dad is seating on his couch reading a book and my mom is cooking in the kitchen

"hello" I say as I walk in the door

"hello sweety" my dad says over his book

"how was school?" my mom yell from the kitchen

"it was a little wired" I say setting my backpack down

"why aren't you wearing your glass?" my dad ask as he seats down his book on the coffee table

"I forgot to grab them this morning I'm sorry" I say as I seat down in the arm chair

"its okay just make sure you where them tomorrow"

"i will" I say them my mom comes out of the kitchen with a plait with a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch she hand me the plait

"thank you" i say as i take the plait and grab the sand witch and take a bite

"how did the meeting go with my teachers?" i ask as i swallow a bight of sandwitch

"it went good they said that you are a good A+ student besides in your one class you have a B" my dad says given me a smile

     when I'm finshed with my sandwitch I get up and go to my bedroom to do my home work. When i get to my room i set my bag on my bed and go over to my desk and poll out my chair and seat down. I open my laptop then it starts up i go to my email but then i see that i have an email that is labelid you can see me i click on the email and it says

    You can see me?

   i  replay with


    The next thing i know my laptop shuts down and starts to malfunction then a poof of smock comes from my computer this send me jumping out of my chair i let out a high pich scream making my parents rush in.

"whats wrong?" my dad ask i point at my computer

"what did you do?" my mom asks

"I did nothing i was seating there on my email and it started doing something weird and exsploded"

"well you have had to do something for it to exsplode" she says

"well she could have gotten a verse" my dad says as he looks at the computer

"where would you have gotten a verse?" my mom asks

I don't know" I shrug

"well it is okay I will take it to the store and have them look at it" my dad says picking up the computer and leaves the room, my mom follows him. I fall down on my bed. I tried to make an explanation in my head but I cant maybe my dad was right maybe it was just a verse. I can feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket it shacks the whole bed. I reach in to my back pocket and slip my phone out it was a text from my best friend Anna.

Do you want to come over?

Instead of replying I just throw my phone down on the bed next to me. My eyes lids start to feel heave I let my eyes close and let sleep take over my body and mind.

I'm standing in a pitch black room I cant see anything at all just a black a bass. In the corner of the room a light starts to form I flip around towards the light. Standing in the corner of the room is the same girl I saw earlier today. She is still wear the black dress she was wearing earlier but this time her long black hair is off to the side of her face making it so I can see it. She looks like she is 12 to 13 her face I almost as white as a snow. Her lips are as red as blood and her eyes are all the way black it almost looks like she has no eyes at all just black holes instead.

I slowly move back trying to put as much space between me and the girl as I can. I only take two steps back but then I hit the wall making it so I cant move back any more. The girl slowly lifts her hand up in the air she points her hand at me. Without even moving I start rushing towards her I stop inches from her face.

I can see what I couldn't see from far away. Far away she had eyes but up close I can see she really doesn't have any at all she has black hole where her eye should be. A scream forms in my throat I try to let the scream out but when I start to scream but nothing comes out.

The girl disperse and I'm no longer in the black room instead I'm seating up in my bed sweat making my clothing stick to my body. It was just a dream I tell my self. I look at the window they sky is full of stairs. I look around my room for my glasses with fell off when I was asleep. They are laying across the room in the corner I remember the dark room I think about the part of the room I could see. At the moment fear fells my body the dark room I was in was my room and my glasses are in the corner she was in.

I CAN SEE THEM (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now