Trip wire

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After Deaton finished talking to me Stiles came back in taking a seat next to me in bed. Sighing I snuggled into him. "I'm different." I mutter as he moves his arm to go around me.

"You've always been different." He laughs trying to lighten my mood.

I let out a small laugh too but it ends with a sigh. "I know it's just now I'm even more different. Like what if I can't control these power? What if I do something to hurt someone I love. Stiles I'm honestly scared." I admit squeezing my eyes shut.

Stiles sat up and turned me so that I was sitting facing him. Taking both of my hands Stiles looked me straight in the eye. "Devin you have every right to be scared, but you know that you will always have Scott and I by your side. I'm not gonna let you do something to get yourself hurt and I know you could never hurt anyone. And as for the not knowing control, we'll figure it. We'll research, find others like you, what ever we have to do. I promise you can do it, we can do it." He ended it by pressing a kiss my lips sealing his promise.

"Guys major problem!" Scott came barging in. At the volume of his voice I pulled back slamming my head into my headboard with a loud bang.

"Oh shit ow!" I whimper grabbing my head.

"Sorry Dev but we have a major problem." Scott apologized as Stiles checked my head, even though if anything was wrong I would heal.

"What could possible be the fucking problem McCall." I snapped running my head.

Scott looked taken back at my language but shook it off. "Lydia is missing." With that I was up and waiting at the jeep.
"You're telling me Lydia left here naked!" I screech.

Melissa nodded sadly, "As far as I know." Right now I was just trying to distract Melissa and the sherif so that Stiles could get something of Lydia's.

"All right, you checked the whole hospital, right?" The sheriff asked.

"Every last corner." Melissa confirms.

"Nothing suspicious?" He ask trying to make sure.

"Nothing. She just took off." Melissa admitted.

"I don't get how this can happen!" I exclaim.

Sheriff Stilinski nods acknowledging me. "All right, let's get an APB out on a 16 - year - old redhead. Any other descriptors?" He looks to me.

"She's about 5'3, green eyes, fair skin, and do not let her here you call her a red head she will claw your eyes out- she's a strawberry blonde." I conclude.

Stilinski looks at me with wide eyes, "Is that right?"

"She would know." I turn to see Stiles walk up and wrap his arm around me.

"You two come here," Sheriff pulls us to the side. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Uh-um" Stiles begins stuttering so I take over. "Moral Support?"

He nods not amused at all, "Uh - huh. How 'bout you two provide your asses back home, where you should be."

"Yea ok we can do that." Stiles takes my hand and tugs me out to the jeep. Opening the door for me I take my seat in the back seeing as Scott occupied the passenger seat. "Here." Stiles hands him the gown.

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