Chapter One: The palace walls

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         I gazed out at the wondrous hills, I  have never seen beyond them. Our society stands surrounded by large walls. There's only one person I know of whos' been past the walls and she never came back. I sighed turning away from the window.

          "Miss" my butler says " You must eat now, you haven't eaten in days". " I will eat when my mother returns" I simply reply turning back to the window. " She's been gone for a few weeks now you know she's not coming back" He said pushing a tray into my lap. I look at him and his crooked bow tie. He was only 19 years old with brown hair that stuck up like a wave in the ocean. "If you tell me where my father sent her I will eat" I reply shoving the tray onto the ground. As If in slow motion the food fell and the tray shattered. Leaving a mess at my butler's feet. He looked at the mess but his face didn't change, he didn't move a muscle, he didn't say a word.

          " Aqua you know that I do not know-" . " Who gave you the right to call me by my first name?" I yelled at him smiling inside. He simply looked down at his feet or my food rather. " I asked you a question !" I yell at him again. He cleared his throat and started again . "Miss Abernathy I have no idea where your mother is." "You don't know?" I say getting off of my bed. "You don't know?" I repeat a bit louder. "You don't know?" I say in a rather loud scream as I walk over to him. Silence falls upon  the room, his breathing loud. He was scared. I reach up and fix his crooked bow tie, and smile. I circle around him running my finger along his coat. I stop at his left ear, stand on my toes , and whisper "Then I must simply fire you". His face falls, definitely shocked. "But miss I-" . "Out! Not another word" I yell pointing at the door.

            He frowns then turns and leaves the room. Almost as soon as he closes the door my maid rushes in . " Miss your father already said that you have no right to fire-". I hold my hand up silently telling her to cease. "Tell Caleb that if he brings me my father on a plate he can have his job back" I say. "But miss-" she starts . "Shhhh" I stop her holding my hand up again. With that she rushes out the door. I sit down in front of the mirror and begin to brush my hair.

******************************************** FLASHBACK*********************************************

I look into the mirror with a smile as my mom brushes my hair. My hair was a long cape on my back. I swayed from side to side as she sang my favorite song. "Little bird , Little biiiiiiiiiirrrrrrd , spread your wings , and fllllllyyyyyyyy, Oh little bird , oh little bird" . My crescent cube buzzes and interrupts the song. A hologram of my father appears.

" Girls you have to get to safety , we are under attack, I have sent my best guards to get  you, now go!" Before I could open my mouth the hologram fizzes away and the guard bust in. "King Jared sent orders to take both of you to the under ground safe house" the guards said. We follow the guards clutching each other.

"Mom are we going to die?" I ask scared.

"No honey, everything is going to be okay"

********************************************END OF FLASHBACK*************************************

That's the day the walls were built. I was 6 years old. I heard a knock on my door. "Father?" I ask. " No Aqua it's me " I turn around to see who it was. " Sapphire, what are you doing here?" I ask surprised. "Caleb couldn't get your father so he sent me to calm you down" she replies. I lift my brush out of my hair and throw it to the ground. Sapphire stands for a minute shocked, then rushes to my side. "It's okay Aqua , your dad is a busy man."

" I want you to leave" I demand. "Your room?" she asks. "NO!" I reply " I want you to leave the palace, you will never replace my mother" I yell at her. "Calm down we know she's not coming back" she says to me. "I said leave me alone!" I yell.

"Buzz, buzz" the sound emerges from my crescent cube. A hologram of my dad on his throne appears. " Don't be vain with our soon to be queen " my dad says with a smile. "No! mom was and still is queen!" I scream at him. "Honey! we will settle this at dinner  which, you will be attending" my dad yells as the hologram fizzes away.


" You have to understand it's not what the people want " my mom speaks softly. " Well that's what they're getting" my dad's voice booms. "Your not running this place the right way" my mother says. "Do you want to run it?" my dad screams at her. " I bet I can run it, you're not doing a good job, you cant run a country, you cant even raise your own daughter! my mom shouts

I pull my ear away from the door and hear a loud crash and a scream. I stand with my hand firmly on the knob. "Eaves dropping are we?" a voice says behind me. I flip around with my hands on the door . The voice was Liam my best friend and  palace tutor.

"Come on let's take a walk , get your mind off of things " he says holding his hand out. I step away from the door and link my arm with his.

**************************************END OF FLASHBACK******************************************

I pat the napkin on my lap and look up. My dad across the table, Sapphire to my right. I look down at my empty plate then up at my dad. " Drop it honey ,you need to eat" my dad says pounding the table. I scoot back in my chair and get up. On my way out I throw my napkin on the floor. I run past a row of doors till I reach the entrance. I push open the doors and throw off my white heels. I was headed for them, the hills and no one was going to stop me.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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