"Coke please."

"Okay I'll be right back with tha-"

"I'd like a drink too," I added in a snobby voice. She looked at me with a face of pure disgust and asked what I wanted, "Pepsi please," I said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute with those," she winked at my ate and left.

"Are you jealous?" Dean asked holding my hand.

"No, I'm just frustrated that she didn't ask me what I wanted to drink," Lies, but I didn't want him to think I was the jealous type. Is that bad?

"Here you go, one Coke and one Dr. Pepper," she said smiling at Dean.

"I asked for Pepsi not Dr. Pepper," I said angrily.

"Well that not my problem now is it?" she said. God I want to kill her so bad.

"Can I take your order sexy?" she asked Dean while running his shoulder. He shuddered in disgust from her touch. Good, he should be repulsed by someone who looks like a gargoyles butt.

"I'll have two burgers. What do you want to eat babe?" he asked me.

"I'll have a tenderloin."

"Okay, two burgers and a tenderloin coming up," she said and set her hand on his back. He shivered in disgust again but she thought it was of delight. Boy was she wrong.

"Oh miss, before you leave can I have another Coke?"

"Sure thing," she said and left.

"Here, you can have this," he said giving me his first Coke.

"You don't have to though."

"Well, I remember someone saying that they hate Dr. Pepper. So u figured that someone would rather enjoy a nice Coke," Dean said with a smile.

I blushed and smiled thinking about how he remembered, "thanks babe."

"You're welcome," he said with his heart melting smile.

"Here's your Coke cutie," Hailey said in her distastefully nasal voice. "I'll be right with your order. Don't move sexy," she winked and walked away.

"Oh God, she makes me sick." Dean shuddered.

"You and me both, babe."

"So you are jealous," he set his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his hands.

"No," he gave me a pointed look. "Okay maybe a little."

"A lot more than a little. You're eyes are black."

"Good, maybe they will scare her off," Dean laughed.

"Here's your burgers and your tenderloin," the waitress said.

"Thanks," I took a bite of the tenderloin, shock was as big as the plate, and swallowed its deliciousness down, "you can go now." She stopped staring at Dean to give me a dirty look when she looked startled. Probably because of my eyes, which look somewhat like black pits about now.

She nodded and walked away, faster than usual, "so tell me about yourself," Dean asked after talking a gulp of his Coke.

"There's not much to tell." I said taking a bite if the tenderloin, " I was adopted when I was three, I know how to play the guitar, and I love to draw."

"Oh cool," pause, "I didn't know you were adopted."

"Yeah, I don't even know my real parents." I blinked the tear away that was about to fall. "Maybe if I met them they could tell me why I'm like this."

"Like what?" Dean tilted his head,confused, similar to puppy.

"Not human."

After that, dinner was quiet for the rest of the time. Dean paid the check and we drove back to the pack house.

"Dude! What the hell didn't you answer me?!" Brock yelled, blood dripping from his bare chest, in Deans face.

"I had the mind link closed and because I was on a date." Dean answered, "What happened?"

"Me and the twins were on our daily run around the territory when we were attacked by at least 20 rogues and Chads men."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are they still fighting?" Dean questioned worriedly.

"Yeah dad's there fighting Chads goons."

"We have to go, right now."

We're running through the woods in the direction of the snarls when Dean turned around and looked at me, "What the hell are you doing Montana?"

"I'm gonna help you guys."

"No you're not. You aren't trained to fight and they don't know what you are."


"So, they could kidnap you and force to be on their side."

"Fine, I'll go home then." I didn't want to give up that easily but he did make some good points.

He pecked me on the lips and turned into his midnight wolf and ran towards the fight. I walked back towards pack house and had a creepy feeling that someone was watching me. I turned in a circle looking up and in between the trees and saw nothing. I shrugged it off and went to Deans bedroom to change. Yes I have clothes here. Its only because my mom is never home and the house is scary when your always alone. After I was done changing I sat on his bed and waited for Dean to return home.


Hey guys! I hope it wasn't too boring for you. I promise it will be more thrilling and enjoyable lol

Please leave comments on what you think or any ideas to add on to the story and please vote! Tata for now my little lemon drops! XD

-First Date by Blink 182-

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