New to the World

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I was walking around my containment unit in Area 51. I was supposedly "to unpredictable" to live with other humans. My cell was a drab place to live. Everything was gray and dull. I was only taken out of my cell when they wanted to run tests on me, and see how I interacted with humans. I think I did pretty well on all my tests. Except for one time, when I was first powered on. I slapped a guy across the face with my titanium hand. I was then attacked by a bunch of  officers with titanium hammers.
I finally learned what the other robots meant when they said that timeouts were the worse. You were dragged into a dark room where random people attacked you with big hammers that can bend your metal. Instead I was taken into a room where they changed my programming so that I could feel pain. It felt like I was being hit by an asteroid, that just kept hitting me over and over again. It nearly fried my circuits. I was thrown back into my cell. From that day forward I never touched another human. I was afraid of what they would do to me if I did.
I stood at my charging area which was located in my cell. I also have an Internet connection so that I can learn about the outside world. I read the tech-paper. Which was the newspaper on a device. It said that the sun was getting bigger and was going to soon explode. This is what the humans explained as the sun going super-nova. I wasn't worried, I thought that after the humans get blown up robots would take over the world. If there was any world left to rule. A few months after I read that article, I heard a big boom. It was ear splitting. It was definitely a bang heard all around the world. A few minutes after that I heard people yelling " The sky is falling!" over and over again. I got out of my charging station and moved closer to the end of my cell.
" They're going to blow it to bits." I heard another person say.
My solar sensors were detecting solar energy that was way to much and to close for comfort. I punched a hole into the wall and ran outside. It was to much for my sensors to comprehend. After living in darkness for so long my ultra sonic sensors nearly fried. I kept running, because I didn't want to get blown up. I quickly pulled up my satellite sensor. I was shocked at what I had saw. The sun indeed had blown up and pieces of it were hurtling to earth. That much solar radiation could ruin a planet.
     " What are you doing out of your cell!" A guy in a yellow lab suit yelled " Get back to your cell."
The guy called backup, and ten guys all in lab suits came running after me. Why were they worried about me, did they not realize they were soon going to die. I did the only reasonable thing, I ran. I ran faster than a cheetah in it's natural habitat. When I looked up, my color sensors couldn't comprehend what I saw. The sky was yellow, with pieces of hot rocks falling from the sky. The soil is cracked and brown from lack of water.
Lucky for me I can run forever if I have to. The people in lab suits stopped chasing me. When I realized that I can't stay out in the real world. I'm unpredictable and could kill someone. I increased my speed by ten percent. I can't keep running though, if I run at full speed then I could burn a hole in my wires. Then there would be a real problem. I ran for ten more minutes, then I saw an empty house. On the outskirts of a village. I slowed my speed and walked around the house to inspect it. I opened the door and went inside.
It was empty and dark. My type of place. I am better when I live alone in the dark. I quickly scanned my insides to make sure I was ok. Then I decided to go get some new clothes. If I was going to live here I needed to fit into humanity.

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