Never Have I Ever

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Chapter 10

(Vica's pov.)

~Time Gap~

HAHAHAHA. You where whipped Izaya's ass in monopoly. You expected the 'king of monopoly' to have beaten you in less than 20 minutes, but you easily won the game. It was 1:15am now, and both of you were still wide awake. "Hey Izaya, what do you want to do now?" you asked. It was his turn to pick a game. "You wanna play truth or dare?" he asked. "Oh, I have a better idea" you said while searching through your bag, pulling out a few bottles of beer, "why don't we play 'never did I ever'." Izaya thought about it then took a seat on the couch. "Sure, but I don't know how to play" he admitted. "It's easy. We both have a glass of any kind of alcohol. Next, one of us has to say something we never did, and if the other person did it, they have to take a sip of your drink. For example, never have I ever gotten in a fight with Shizuo" you said. "Ok, I did that, so I take a sip now, right?" he asked confirming. "Yup." He took a sip of his beer. "Now your turn" you said. He thought for a moment, and then spoke. "Never have I ever lit myself on fire" he said. "Ok, good start" you said as you took a sip of your beer, "My turn. Never have I ever had a pet." Izaya didn't move. "Same here" he said swishing his beer in his hand, "Never have I ever kissed a girl." This time you took a sip. "Wait....... Seriously?" he asked in shock. "Yeah, one day me and my lady friend got SUPER drunk and we weren't thinking straight" you admitted, blushing slightly in embarrassment.

(Izaya pov.)

"Hey don't be embarrassed. This one time, I was running away from Shizu-chan, but I tripped and fell, and then Shizu-chan tripped on top of me and kissed my forehead by accident" I said. Shit, what have I done! That secret was never supposed to leave the walls of my mind. The beer was probably getting to me. "Wow, what a crazy day that must have been" she said giggling. She had such an amazing laugh. If only I could keep her happy and laughing forever. "Alright, my turn. Never have I ever.... Um.... Gone on an airplane" she said. "Really? You really never went on an airplane?" you asked, taking a sip of your beer. "Yeah. When I was younger, no one ever took me out of the city. And when I got older, I was too scared that the plane would fall, so I never went. But that's ok. I don't really want to leave Ikebukuro any way. It's much cooler than any other city in the world" she said. "Amen to that" you said gesturing your beer in the air, "Ok, never have I ever.... Eaten shark meat". To your surprise, Vica took a sip of her beer. "Really? How does it taste like?" you asked. "It kind of tastes like crocodile meat" she answered. "Oh come on. I don't know how crocodile meat tastes like" you said smirking a little. "It's like dense beef. It's hard and if not cooked properly it turns out dry" she explained. "When did you even get the chance to eat crocodile and shark meat?" I asked. "You can get anything and everything on the black market" she said, "the next time I get some I'll let you try." "Awsome." "Ok, my turn. Never have I ever won an award" Vica said. "Grade 4 spelling bee champion" I claimed as I took a sip of my beer, "Ok my tu*BURP*" I tried to say but burped half way though. Vica burst out laughing. You couldn't keep your own laughs contained and laughed along. "Hahahahaha. OMG. We can't even handle a few beers" Vica half said, half giggled. "Now I understand how you got so drunk that you kissed your girlfriend" I said laughing. The two of you tried to catch your breaths. "Ok, how about we finish the bottle we're on and we do something else" Vica suggested. "Sounds good to me. But before that, let's have a toast. To this wonderful night" I said as I raised my half full bottle. "To this wonderful night" she said before clanking our bottles together.

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