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Maras POV

June, 6th

I woke up at 1:00 pm very well rested and Arielle was still sleeping. I checked my phone

Rayan 😘: "me and Jacob went downtown in Miami , we will be back by banquet time"

Me: "okay babe"

Rayan 😘: "ok"

I got up and turned on the TV , I'm so bored. I left my room and went across the hall to Eric and Ronnie's room. I banged a beat of course and Eric answered

Eric: "what you want!!?" I pushed past him and jumped on the bed

Me: "I'm bored"

Ronnie: "did you just wake up?"

Me: "yes"

Eric: "ohhh I thought you were starting to wear pajamas as clothes because you be wearing anything"

Me: "shut up! I have to wear a dress tonight" the both started laughing


Eric: "damn! That's gonna be funny" I sighed

Ronnie: "do you even have one?"

Me: "yes" I said turning my head away from them , Eric just stared at me

Me: "okay okay okay , I don't" they laughed

Ronnie: "when are you gonna get one?"

Me: "me and Ari are going to go so she can help me pick one out"

Eric: "I'm going"

Ronnie: "me too , this'll be funny"

Me: "what ever , let me go get dressed so we can go" I walked out and to my room Ari was awake

Me: "morning sunshine" she grinned

Arielle: "get showered so we can go shopping"

Me: "okay , Ron and Eric are coming" Ari: "awe shit!" I got in the shower and came out wearing jean shorts , a grey shirt and black toms with a low curly bun. I walked out to Ari

Me: "your turn" she walked to the bathroom , showered and came out wearing a cute outfit. We left our room and went to the boys room. They opened and were dressed

Ronnie: "you actually look descent"

Me: "thank you ... I guess" we left the hotel and went to the closest outlet mall. Ari was so excited for me to try on dresses. She first handed me a pink dress with flowers on it. I headed to the changing room. I came out and they laughed

Ronnie: "next!!" I put on a blue pencil dress

Eric: "oooooh I like it"

Ronnie: "me too!"

Me: "no , it's too tight" I walked back in and she handed me a yellow dress. On the way to the fitting room I saw a cute red dress that was dressy but still me. I grabbed it and handed to the dressing room. I put my hair down and put on the dress then walked out , I really want them to like this one. I walked out and their jaws dropped

Ronnie: "no disrespect to Rayan but.... DAMMNNN!"

Eric: "lord Jesus!"

I smiled and looked at Ari

Arielle: "that's not the dress I gave you but , omg you look fabulous" I smiled

Me: "okay , this is it" I walked into the dressing room and looked at the price , it was 50$ , that's a good price for this. We walked up to the register and I paid and walked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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