Chapter 2 : The Reason OvO

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Liechtenstein's POV

"So umm..." I said while the two are starting to fight

They faced me and looked down. I placed the tea and the pastries on the table and sat besides Belarus.

"So um.. Miss Philippines i need an explanation to the event just 10 minutes ago" I said firmly

"Umm... Are you angry at me Miss Liechtenstein?" She said quietly

"Not only her but me too" Belarus Glares

"None one asked Belarus •♢•😄" Philippines said smirking

Belarus was about to stab her but i calmed her down

"Miss Phlippines ... I want answers ... please?" I said

"Oh okay. The reason why i tied Belarus was because someone asked me to. The reason why we are at your place because i think you and Belarus are Friends"

I looked at Belarus and Belarus looked at me

"We are not friends but aquintance" Belarus said

"Ohhh... Sorry i though ... you guys were... and ...-"

"Wait a minute who order you to tied me up ???" Belarus said virgously

"My lips are sealed" Philippines said while doing a zipper like close gesture on her mouth

"You little...You know its punishable by the law"Belarus smirked

"Whatever your actions too was punishable by the law, hurting me " 

"Its called self defence" Belarus counter attack

"Umm...So you are not gonna hurt Miss Belarus all this time" I said

"Yeah, So enough with this talk ... You guys wanna go eat pasta in Italy's place?" Philippines said

"Wait we have been eating and your stomach is not full???"
Said Belarus

"Come on i want to have a relationship with you guys and i have to visit someone there" Philippines said

"Okay I'm in if we are going to pass big bruders' work place"

"So Miss Liechtenstein you want to visit first your big brother?"
Philippines said

"Yes , I have something to give to him"

"Whatever you two go ahead i wll be with my big-"Before she finish her sentence Philippines tie her again super tight even though Belarus is stronger than Philippines.Phlippines took advantage of Belarus while talking about his big brother that caught Belarus off guard

"And Miss Liechtenstein not to sound rude but your name is a mouthful even this author is having a hard time spelling it... So i will make you a nickname along with Belarus with that you guys will also nickname me cause mine too is a mouthful" 'and this will strenghten our friendship' " Philippines said it with a smile

"Could you untie me so that i will rip your face ??? Why am i part at your sharades?"Belarus said in a scary voice

"No and because you have too. "

And the two once again fight


Nicknames huh ...

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