imagine #4 continued

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After school I meet Dave in the parking lot and I see him sitting on the hood of his car. "Hey there she is". He says while looking at me and smiling. You smile and put your books in your bag. "So what do you want to do?". You asked while putting your bag in your car. "Let's go out to dinner tonight". He suggested. "Yeah we should". You said while smiling at him. "I'll pick you up at 6:30 be ready, and im going to call you like 10 minutes earlier for your address okay?". "Okay". He hops off of his hood and kisses your cheek, "See you later pretty girl". He goes inside his car and drives off.  "Did that just happen?". You thought to yourself. You went into you car and drove back home. As soon as you got home, you went through all your clothes . "Mom!". you yelled. "Yes honey?". She comes running in. "I have a date with this boy tonight and I need your opinion, casual or classy?". I ask. "Wear both, wear that white dress with your black coat". My mom said. "Thanks mom". I said. "Welcome". She said while walking out of the room. You put on the dress and start to curl your hair and put on some light make up. You then get a call from Dave.
Dave: Hey y/n what's your address?
You:  15-658 rosewood street, first house on the right.
Dave: Okay, I should be there soon.
You: Okay see you soon
Dave: Bye beautiful.
As you got done with your hair and makeup you put on your sandals and grab your bag.  There was suddenly a car horn beeping. "He's here". I thought to myself. You grab your stuff and head out the door. "Hey". Dave said while you got in the car. "Hi". You said while smiling. "How was your day?". He asked while driving. "It was pretty interesting." You said while smirking at him. "Interesting how?". He asked smirking back. "You know why!". You said while laughing. "Haha yeah I sure do". He said laughing back.
15 minutes later as you guys pulled up to the restraunt you guys walked in and sat on the table that was reserved for you two. "What are you gonna order?". He asked. "Probably the shrimp scampi". You said while flipping through the menu. "Hey me too!". He said while smiling. The waitress comes back and takes your guys order then walks away. "So did you grow up over here in California?" He asked. "Well yes all my life I've lived here, what about you?". You asked. "Yeah moved schools here and there around California, it's my first year here in Anaheim." He said. "Oh cool". You said. The waitress comes by with your guys plates and you guys eat. 20 minutes later you guys both finish and leave the restraunt to go to the park. "Are you wondering why I brought you all the way over here yet?". He asked while closing his door. "Now that you have mentioned it, yes I do". You said while laughing. He takes a seat under a tree and you do the same next to him. "It's my secret spot to just chill out and be at peace with my thoughts, I know it sounds weird but it's the truth". He said laughing a little. "No it's not weird at all, I understand". You say scooting closer to him. "Really?,  you don't think im weird?". He asked surprised. "No not at all, I think your just perfect". You said while smiling at him. He smiles and looks at you in the eye. Slowly moving your hair out of your face, gently pulling your neck closer to him so that he can kiss you. He leans in and slowly kisses you. Ever so slowly. You both pull back and slowly smile at each other. "Is that why you brought me over here". You asked teasing. He smiles and looks at you, "Yeah, maybe". "That's cute". You said fixing his hair. "Not as cute as you". He said while kissing you once more. No one has ever made you feel this way before. He gave you that feeling of spark you wouldn't get from anyone else. That's what made him special.

Sorry this sucked😂 I won't be really active on this story but I will be trying to update as much as I can. If anything I'll be in touch. I'll come up with ideas for my imagines

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