Did I See...

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Did I see...

A blooming flower  or a withering leaf?

A graceful swan or a clumsy ostrich?

An extraordinary aurora or a total solar eclipse?


Did I hear...

The love songs of parrots up above or the mourning bellows of the wolves down below?

The sea's gentle ripples or the ocean's rough waves?

The clicking sounds of a dolphin living in the vast ocean or the roar of a lion living deep in the jungle?


Did I smell...

A flower whose fragrance is of the herbs or a corpse whose scent is of the skunks?

A fresh fruit with its aroma so tempting or a stale meat with its smell so stinky?

A peafowl's nest dressed with redolent petals or a wild cat's den coated with noxious dirt?


Did I taste...

The delightful frozen milk from faraway or the disgusting overcooked vegetable?

The scrumptious honey flowing slowly or the sickening poison quickly cascading down to my mouth?

The water so sweet or the smoke so bitter?


Did I feel...

A weak whisper from the air or wuthering winds that slap my body for no reasons?

A polar bear whose fur so warm or thin spikes of a centipede that coldly sting me?

A light from the sun or snow falling down at night?

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