Paintball War And Taking Shifts

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Miranda's pov

I was pushing the girls in the stroller when we rounded back to the house I saw Jason dressed in some kind of police armor. He was standing on the porch with some kind of gun I've never seen before in his hand. "Whoa, hey babe, get down!" He shouts, confusing me. "Get down? What are ya talkin' about?" He runs over to me. "What's going on?" I ask. He grabs my hand, pulling me behind the babies' double stroller. "Luke and Brant ambushed me." He gasps, looking around. "Ambushed you? What are you talking about?!" "Paintball baby. They nailed me good. Now I gotta get you guys inside without them hitting ya." He stands up, fully. "Time out!" He shouts, doing the time out sign. But I hear the crack of a gun and Jason falls back, his chest stained crimson. "OH SHIT!! JASON!!" I scream terrified but he sits up seconds later. "Huh?!" "Come on guys lemme get the girls inside!" He shouts. "Jason! Sit the hell down and tell me what is going on?" "Do you know what paintball is?" He asks. I shake my head. "Last chance boy, we're moving in!" I hear Brantley shout. Jason rolls his eyes. "Those idiots." He mutters. "Anyway, paintball is just a sport. Not real bullets but they still hurt like a motherfucker. So don't get hit." He stands back up, holding my hand. "Come out with your hands up! Surrender!" Luke yells from somewhere in the woods. "They're challenging me." He whispers, mostly talking to himself. He waves the gun in the air. "The asphalt cowboy never surrenders!" He shouts, and I can tell he's full of adrenaline. "If they hit the girls, I'm gonna kill 'em." I gripe, kinda ticked. He laughs. "Sweetheart they wouldn't hit the babies. Now me and you we're sitting ducks." "They'd hit me?!" He smirks. "Not unless you hit them first." He says, handing me one of the guns he's using. "It's just like a regular gun, just line your sights and pull the trigger." "I don't wanna do this!" I gasp, annoyed. He smirks. "You're either with me or against me." He says, making me laugh. I smile. "Fine, I'm against you." His eyes go wide. "Oh no, don't you dare!" He gasps, backing up. I smile and ready my weapon. "Don't you shoot me too! Gosh, everyone's out to get me!" He gasps, taking off running. I laugh and shoot him in the back. He trips over his own feet, yellow all over his back. He turns over, breathing hard from running. He sits up. "GET HER!" He shouts! "Oh crud!" Luke and Brantley run out of the woods.

Jason's pov

I thought they were gonna get her but they got me! I can barely breathe from running and laughing and by the time we take a break, I'm drenched in sweat. "Man, you got whooped." Brantley says. "Uh yeah that's what happens when everyone goes against me. Even my own wife." She laughs and tosses down her gun. She's covered in paint too. "I think I can make it up to you." My eyes go wide. I glance at the guys who are laughing their asses off. "Shut up dummies." I say shooting Brantley in the ass with my gun. Luke stumbles off the fence post from laughing. I cross my arms, leaning against the same fencepost and closing my eyes. I feel someone kiss my cheek. "Please for the love of God tell me that was my wife and not one of my two crazy best friends." Everyone busts out laughing and I open my eyes. It was my princess. I smile and hold her hand. "Fun day?" I ask, pulling her close to me. She smiles. "Fun night?" She asks, instead. "Baby are you trying to embarrass me?" "Maybe." She says, running a finger up my arm. God she's killing me. And on purpose. I glance at the girls who are fast asleep in the stroller. How they slept through that battle I have no clue! "Well boys, this cowboy is turnin' in early." They both laugh. "Turning in early my ass." Luke says. Brantley high fives him. I roll my eyes. "Surrender!" Luke shouts, shooting me with his paintball gun..... Again. I trip over a tree root, falling on my back in surprise. "Ugh you guys suck." I mutter, annoyedly staring at the sky. She lays down beside me. "Well we're gonna head home, see ya later, Jay." "Bye guys." They leave. I glance back at the girls again. Both are still asleep. "We should bring them inside." I mumble, pointing. "Yeah." We both stand up. Oh man, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow from all that running around. My legs are already hurting. We get the girls in bed in the nursery.

*later that night*

I hear crying down in the nursery. I get up and glance at the clock. Man mom wasn't kidding when she said they get up often. Gracie was awake and crying. "Hey hey sweet girl, don't cry, daddy's here." I say, rocking her. "Don't need ya wakin' your sister, now do we." She stares up at me with her mama's beautiful blue eyes. "Ya want a bottle? Oh how I wish y'all could talk." I get a bottle made and feed her. She falls back to sleep and I go back to my room. Not two seconds later, I hear Lucy crying! Ugh. I sigh and sit back up. "I got her, Jay. You go back to sleep." "Nah you'll be up with them all next month when I go back on tour." "And that's a month from now. I got her tonight." She says, kissing me and getting up. "You sure baby?" "Yeah I got her." I might as well seize the opportunity. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth or however that saying goes. I shrug and lay down, a deep tired sigh escaping me. "Goodnight sweetheart." I whisper, before drifting off.

BlindsidedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora