Start from the beginning

"Look guys," I shouted quietly, "London is actually laughing, take pictures while you can folks, you may never get the chance to see this rare site again!" I started to laugh, and so did all the guys.

"Oh shut up Par, FIGHT ME!" London shouted while still laughing.

~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After all the guests left, I went to the changing room. I changed into my favorite old maroon hoodie with ripped blue jeans and brown cow girl boots and a white T-shirt.

As I walked out the changing room I took out my pony tail and walked up to Haruhi and London.

"Hey guys," Haruhi told me and London "You guys can't come over today, my dad just texted me and I have stuff to do, sorry." 

"Its ok Haruhi." Me and London said.

"Well I have to go see you guys tomorrow," Haruhi said walking out the door.

"You know Paris and London," Tamaki said. "We've  seen where Haruhi lives, so when do we get to see where you two live?"

"Uhhh," London said.

"Well ya see the thing is... UHHHH" I tried to say.

"See we don't really know when you guys can come over I mean we have to clean, and um there is a wild, erm, Potato-raft!" London said starting to sweat.

"Yeah thats it a wild Potato-raft has run loose in our basement!" I agreed.

"That is not a real thing." Tamaki said.

"Yeah... we know." Me and London said in unison sighing while putting our heads down.

"Come on at least let one of us see it." Tamaki pleaded.

"Ugh..fine you can come Tamaki." I said.

"Yay!" He cheered. 

"Are you thinking what i'm thinking brother." Hikaru started.

"Yes... If you mean following them." Kaoru finnished with a smirk.

As we walked down the road we came up to an old wood fence that was starting to rot.

"Um where are we." Tamaki said with a worried look.

"Going to our house." Me and Lon said in unison as we jumped over the fence like it was nothing. 

When Tamaki finally decided to jump over the fence, we walked down an old trail, and then we came upon our house.

When Tamaki finally decided to jump over the fence, we walked down an old trail, and then we came upon our house

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When Tamaki saw where we lived his jaw dropped.

"You don't really live here...d-do you" he said in shock.

"Well yeah..." I said.

"Its not like we have a choice." London mumbled.

"Where are your parents I demand to speak with them." He shouted hitting his fist into his hand.

" can't." I said

"Why not!" Tamaki said with anger.

"Because their...gone..." I started to cry.

"What do you mean their gone." Tamaki questioned.


All of a sudden his face lightened up.

"I'm so sorry." He said Hugging us.

"Its ok, you didn't know," I said.

"But that is why we live here" London said sad "the inside is not so bad...I guess."

When we walked in Tamaki's eyes started to water. 

"DADDY DOESN'T APPROVE!" he shouted with tears forming in his eyes as he quickly hugged me and London again.

All of a sudden Tamaki's face lit up.

"I know" He shouted pounding his fist into his hand again. "You two will come live with me!" 

"Well we don't want to be a bother to you." London said.

"No I insist on it, no one should have to live in these conditions," Tamaki said with joy.

"Its fine... really.." I said.

"Nope, is to late you two are coming to live with me and that is final." He smiled "Ill call the maids to have a room ready for you both."

"Ok ...If you insist..." London and I said in together.

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