"I'm down for whatever." Stevie says.

We all turn to Cammie.

"What do you say Cam?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Breakfast sounds great." She says.

"Rad, okay want to meet up at our Cafe?" I ask them all.

We all met at this certain cafe, long story short. I ran into Ally while I was walking out of the bathroom, Stevie was my waitress. Shannon and Cammie invited me to sit with them, then I invited Ally.

"Sounds good." Ally says.

"Aight I'll catch you guys in a few." I walk over to my motorcycle and glance at my no longer white shirt.

There are frosting stains from the cake, powder paint stains, and god knows what else.

I chuckle as I drive myself to the Cafe.

I pull into the spot next to Ally's car and hop off my motorcycle.

"Hey Al, you have a spare shirt?" I ask noticing that she had changed since we left the festival.

"Yeah in the trunk." She pops it.

I open it and reach into the duffel bag grabbing a black muscle shirt similar to my white one except this one says "Girls" across the chest.

I pull my dirty shirt over my head, revealing my toned and tan body and the  wave-heartbeat line tattoo on my chest before pulling the black one down over it.

"Damnnnnnnn Tobin back at it again with the hot body." I hear the British accent and turn to see the brunette it belongs to.

"Where the hell did you come from Rose?" I chuckle as I lean against Ally's car.

"I was just walking by and was graced with seeing your god like body." She smirks. "I actually have to go, so I will see you guys later?" She raises and eyebrow and we all nod.

"Yeah we'll see you, stay rad." I give my signature hang loose sign before we walk inside and get our table.

Our waitress comes to take down our drinks and I smirk, blatantly eyeing her body.

Slim but toned from the looks of it. Sun kissed tan skin. Crystal blue eyes. Dark brunette hair.

"I'll just have a water." I give my million dollar smile, "You're beautiful by the way." I mention.

She blushes profusely before taking everyone else's drinks and walking off.

"You charming little fucker." Ally teases and I shrug.

"What can I say? It's in my genes." I smirk as I lean back with my arm across the back of the booth.

"Yeah and now you have her hoping you'll get into hers." Shannon smirks causing everyone to laugh.

"Who knows, maybe I will." I smirk.

I receive a bunch of cat calls and whistles from my friends before I roll my eyes. "Shut up you idiots." I laugh as she comes back with our drinks.

A Wolf Among UsWhere stories live. Discover now