A dense fog was beginning to invade my thought process. ‘Our kind’? So Connor’s a vampire too?

“I only lost sight of her for a minute!” Connor defended.

Finally my brain function kicked back in and I started toward them, but before I got there, Rick slammed his fist into Connor’s face. “If you ever put her in danger again, I will end you,” he hissed. Connor was doubled over, cradling his cheek, but he nodded slightly.

I was simultaneously stunned and touched to realize how protective Rick felt towards me, but I shoved the feeling aside for later. “Rick, what the heck?” I shouted, stopping just in front of him and stomping my foot angrily, albeit a little childishly.

Rick caught my gaze briefly, but ignored my question entirely as his eyes dropped to my throat, his expression seeming determined. He swept my wet hair back gently, baring my neck and I actually heard his teeth snap together as he clenched his jaw tightly. My argument stuck in my throat and my anger began to fade as I watched his expression shift rapidly between concern, pity, and sadness before finally becoming murderously angry. I swallowed thickly, nervous and oddly excited by the intensity of his emotions. No, no, no, no. Why am I feeling this way?

Connor broke the silence, snapping both of our attentions to him. “I’m sorry for what happened Thursday, Gemma.” He gazed at me contritely, one hand still cupping his cheek.

“It’s not your fault, Connor.”

“Yes, it is,” Rick rumbled lowly and I shushed him.

“It is my fault. I shouldn’t have left you guys alone like that. I knew what kind of crowd might be there. I just knew Malcolm was gonna throw a fit once he saw you, so I went to cool him off.”

 “Well, I’m okay in the end, so, all’s well that ends well,” I shrugged. Rick growled quietly, leaning forward and I placed by hand firmly on his chest. “Seriously, stop.” I caught his eye and frowned, wondering what in the world was going on with him; he just hit is best friend. Rick returned my gaze levelly, and without a word, he turned on his heel and took off.

“What has gotten into him?” I asked absentmindedly, staring at the spot where he’d disappeared around a corner.

“Rick’s very protective of the ones he loves,” Connor answered quietly.

My eyes widened in surprise and I whirled on Connor, my mouth agape. He shot me a soft, almost sad smile. “You’d better get to class.”

He stayed for a moment—probably to make sure I wasn’t going to continue standing there catching flies—until I finally forced my feet to move, shuffling toward class in a daze.

Those he loves? He couldn’t, right? I mean he was angry and standoffish toward me until recently and even then he’s still totally closed-off. Maybe it’s just that he’s finally accepted me into the group. He just feels protective of me as one of his friends. That’s it. That must’ve been what Connor meant.

After a painfully slow math class, my mood was decidedly low as I made my way to the portable buildings. I watched my feet as I walked, my thoughts turning to Malcolm and the many questions that remained unanswered.

When I reached my classroom, the very subject of my thoughts stood outside, evidently waiting for me, and my mood brightened instantly. Even at a distance I could see his golden eyes shining with amusement and the signature smirk gracing his lips.

“I could see a million questions running through your head all the way down the corridor, Gem.” By the end of his sentence his smirk had turned into an affectionate smile. “I suppose I’m in for quite the interrogation today?”

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