Chapter 4 - Lord Sesshomaru

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I smiled sheepishly. "Riiiight....that sure sounds dangerous." I mumbled out finding the will to go fight this Sesshomaru demon, slowly crumble.

"Besides his swords, you should be cautious of his poison claws as well as his demon whip. He most probably wont use them because he has a sword that is much more powerful. However, it is quite alright to be cautious, is it not?" He smirked wider and stood up. I stood up as well, giving a nod.

Well, at least he was telling me what I would be going up against during this fight. It was better than going out into a tough fight without knowing anything. I did have confidence in my skill of dodging attacks but if Sesshomaru was fast, I would have to be extra careful. I think I had to rely more on my sensing demonic auras as well as using my spiritual power to fight this guy.

"I guess so....but you said that I wont be able to defeat him. Why am I fighting him then?" I asked curiously and mentally cringed as he walked closer to me. I resisted the urge to step back as he came to stand barely a foot away from me. I had to tilt my head up almost ninety degrees to keep looking into his eyes because of the rather big difference in our heights.

Man, he towered over me in not just power but in physical appearance as well. No wonder I felt so intimidated around him. Well, I had gotten used to him but when he was annoyed, he was really scary to be around. The entire castle would have this suffocating pressure if he wasn't happy about something. And that's why I didn't want to step away from him and make him angry.

Then again, he had never hurt me before. Now that I think about it, I'd never made a mistake in any of the tasks he had given me. I was friendly with him and he was nice to me in return. Besides that, he was incredibly handsome. He had a perfect face and wavy ebony hair that fell even past his waist. He was tall, broad and well toned if not very buff. I hadn't exactly seen him without his haori on but sometimes when it was loose, the contours of his chest would be visible.

I shouldn't really be observing such things, but he was the only person I actually talked to in this castle. I would have liked to spend more time around him because I usually got bored out of my brains. I liked being around people. Besides, I had also developed this itching desire to touch his hair. It looked so silky and it was so long! Even longer than mine! I go again with my girly side....

I tensed, coming out my thoughts when Naraku put his arms around my neck. I blinked when he fiddled with something behind my head and I looked down to see a necklace. It had a purple crystal as a pendant. I looked back up at Naraku as he pulled his arms away from me once he was done putting the necklace on me.

He smirked at the curiosity on my face. "I wish to see how you will spare against Sesshomaru. He is a strong demon but I'm sure he has some flaw in his fighting style. Being just a human, it is impossible for you to defeat a demon like Sesshomaru. However, you will learn in time and after several fights about his weakness. And then I will get rid of him permanently will my own hands."

I swallowed thickly trying to make the goosebumps that had erupted on my skin go away. They had come up when I had felt Naraku's fingers at the nape of my neck and as his clothes brushed my slightly exposed shoulders when he pulled away.

"O-oh....okay, I guess. But....what's with the necklace?" I held it up to look at it. From one glance, I could tell that it was a crystal of miasma. Naraku's miasma, to be precise. Don't tell me he was putting another contraption on me....

"This crystal is made of my bones and miasma." He chuckled as I flinched, dropping the crystal onto my chest when he mentioned the use of his bones. "Fighting against Sesshomaru will put you at much risk. From your skills and spiritual power that I have seen in these past two and a half months, I think you have a good chance of dodging most of his attacks. You may suffer minor cuts and bruises though."

Never thought I'd fall for you - Naraku Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz