Chapter 2

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I started down a backroad not wanting to get pulled over. It was obvious I was a kid and I can understand how unnerving it could be to see a riding a motorcycle down a highway. As I head down the road I recognize a Chevy Impala. 1967 looks like. The man in the passenger seat notices me and points to me.
'Oh shit.' I thought.
The man driving motions me to pull over I think about just speeding away but there is too many holes in the road so I obliged.
The men got out of the car and the driver said,
"That's an awesome Harley you got. But you look a little too young for your age to drive it huh?"
"Heh thanks."
They give me a suspicious look and I sigh and say,
"Yeah I knew that wouldn't work. It was my moms. I am a kid trying to escape my now burning house before the cops come, can I hitch a ride? Bring my Harley too! Just hurry please and make up your mind soon!"
The men looked at each other and shrug. They picked up my Harley and put it in the truck. They motioned me to get in the car and I did. It was such a beautiful car! It does need a wash though. When they got in one man said,
"I'm Dean and this is Sam. What exactly happened?"
"Well I went to sleep last night and I had a nightmare about my mom dying. When I woke up in the morning I wanted to check on her to make sure she was alright. So I run downstairs and....and there was this girl but...fuck it. It was a shapeshifter and it killed my mom while it looked like me. I killed it and burned my mom's body along with the house so it looked like I died Incase more came." I said while slightly panting from my increased heartbeat.
The boys seemed surprised at my sudden outburst then confused.
"Kid, how do you know about this stuff? Shifters?" Dean asked.
I calm myself down and say between breaths,
"Mom said I was special....that I had to protect myself because my dad was a famous hunter....."
"Well who is your dad?" Sam asks.
"I don't know. My mom....didn't like to talk about him. She used to always say I had his eyes, his attitude, his smirk, his music preference. I love his music preference!" I say, suddenly excited. Sirens blared in the distance, causing us all to freeze
"Alright let's hit the road now." Dean says and starts the car again. I shivered in bliss at the sound of the engine. I heard the tired squeal and we took off.
"So uh Dean?" I ask after a few moments of silence.
"Yeah?" He responds as he looks in the mirror.
"Don't you have any music. The silence is deafening."
"Of course I do!"
"Can I see?"
"Uh, sure"
Sam looks surprised but picks up a box and sets it on my lap. I rub my hands together and grin.
I open the box and see cassettes.
"What! So what they're cassettes!?! You have a problem?"
"No it's awesome! Metallica is freakin amazing! Black Sabbath!?! Dude you have a gold mine in this box!"
They once again looked surprised.
"What?" I said with a poker face.
Sam goes from a surprised to suddenly annoyed and groans.
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!" I say one again, feeling annoyed.
"Nothin, nothin." He sighs and mutters under his breath about, 'not another one'
I flip through the cassettes and after careful consternation I choose.......
None of them.
I gave them back to Sam and he put them on the floor and shut his eyes apparently going to sleep. I flipped through my own and gave Dean The Beatles cassette.
He eyes me and says,
"What is this?"
"My cassette from my duffel."
"Because I want to relax not rock out. I've been driving on my Harley for 2 hours because I can't find my way to my grandfather's. I guess he's my grandad?"
"Ugh." He sighed and flipped it over, examining it. There was no name on it since I recorded it myself, and he grunted.
"Put it in now." I growled, already annoyed again.
"Fine." Dean groans and takes out a cassette and shoves mine in.
He puts it in and Can't buy me love starts to play. I lay back and relax.
"Hey kid."
"Yes, Dean?"
"Who is your grandad?"
"Uhhhhh, Bobby....Singer?" I say while glancing at the note."
Dean slammed on the brakes and the car squeaked and stops with a halt.
Sam eyes open and bug out of his head. I'm freaking out about my Harley and the beautiful Impala and Dean has a shocked looking his face.
"Dean what the hell!" Sam yelled.
"This better be important because if I find one scratch or dent in my Harley you will loose your freaking head!" I erupted.
Dean looked at my note and extended his hand to me.
"Lemme read that."
"No! It's for Bobby!" I said holding it close to my chest.
"No!" I exclaim, hiding it in my duffel.
Dean tried to reach for it but Sam grabbed it arm and threw it at the wheel.
"Keep your hands on the wheel and not on her things. If it's personal. It's personal. Stay out of it." Sam says.
Dean rolls his eyes but I smile at Sam and he smiles back. We start to drive again and then Hey Jude began and I thought of my mom.
I curled up in the backseat and used my duffel as a pillow. And I thought about how Dean really scared the crap out of me. I glance at Dean and see him tearing up. Maybe he knows this song too. Then again who doesn't.
I decide to close my eyes and let the music lull me to sleep.

Dean's Little Angel (Deans daughter)Where stories live. Discover now