Chapter 1- Whelp, that sucks

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Here's chapter 1 for you. I hope you enjoy it and like my twists.

Disclaimer- This thing is called a fanfiction for a reason.


Omega's POV-

"Argyros you coming?" I called out to my girlfriend from outside her room. "I'll be out in a minute." She called back. When she came out she was wearing all black and looking amazing. She had a black bow on the top of her head and was wearing a black t-shirt under a leathery jacket and jeans with boots and like said before, all black making her look like someone you shouldn't mess with. The only thing that wasn't black were the silver wings with streaks of black on her back. I was wearing an all gray outfit similar to hers but had sneakers and a hoodie instead of boots and a jacket. I had black wings with streaks of silver on my back and we together were the best team and in Chaos's army. We both were assassins and led together the Alpha unit of Chaos's army. "Let's go report." She said, handing me a crown before putting on a tiara of her own. "I thought you hated wearing that." I said. "I do just as much as you but Chaos wants us to so we might as well." I said. I nodded but didn't put it on anyway. She rolled her eyes and we started to walk. After a three centuries of being leaders we had learned to his our emotions on our faces and learn to control them. "Come on, Silena and Beckendorf are waiting for us with Luke and Bianca at the gates." Argyros told me pulling me along. Our faces went to our stone expressions when we left our area and went to join the rest of the Alpha unit. We all had wings depending on who we were. Selina had dark purple wings with streaks of red and Beckendorf had red wings with streaks of dark purple. Luke had neutral gray wings, and Bianca had light grass green wings with streaks of dark green. They were waiting for us outside the meeting hall and we walked in together.

Argyros's POV

We stepped into the meeting room and sat at our respective spots at the table. I hated the tiara that I had to wear but it was better than it being forced on. Don't get me wrong, the tiara itself was gorgeous. The band to hold it to my head and hold the pitch black chaos jewels that adorned it a silver but I didn't like that it seemed to make people think I was better. I know Omega felt the same way. Omega had his crown on his head when he walked in as well. Omega and I sat closest to Chaos at the end of the table across from each other with Selina and Beckendorf to my left and Luke and Bianca to Omega's right(directions are weird). "What do you have to report." Chaos asked. "Nothing much, the mission was a success and only the targets dead." I said reporting my mission. "My situation is much the same to Argyros's. Only the targets were killed and the mission a success." Omega said. "Our goal was achieved as well and the families are safe in their homes." Luke said. "Good, in that case, go rest. You have the week off unless something major occurs. Have fun." Chaos said dismissing us. We left and went to our section of Chaos's army's pocket in space and time that we've started calling Midnight(don't ask). We all went back to our group living room Midnight made for us and relaxed. The only time Omega and I ever did relax was when we were around the rest of our team alone. Hen we got to the living room both Omega and I took off you crowns and put them on a table. I rubbed behind my ears and enjoyed the feeling of my skin being free again. Beckendorf started a fire for us and we all sat around it enjoying the warmth and each other's company. Omega let the cover over his face leave and I smiled when I got to see his messy black hair and sea-green eyes. I let the cover over my face down as well and took off my bow. I let my wolf ears and tail show and I relaxed. After Chaos recruited Omega and I 300 years ago he trained us and gave us wings. Over time our team has grown to seven. Luke joined first a few years after Omega and I joined and Bianca joined most recent 280 years ago. Suddenly I heard something coming and I smiled, happy that our last member was coming back from her mission. Zoe Nightshade appeared in our area. She was a part of our Alpha unit as well and like the rest of us she had wings. Her wings are dark blue with specks of gold. Zoe had been the second one to join, about 10 years after Omega and I came. Chaos brought her from the sky, her constellation is still there but she is no longer in the sky. Selina and Beckendorf came together 285 years ago. We may have been an odd team but we were all extremely close and happy with our choice of joining the Alpha unit and becoming immortal. "Hey Zo, why don't you go report then come hang out with us. Chaos says we have the week off." Selina said. Zoe nodded and disappeared before reappearing a few minutes later. I cuddled up to Omega and fell asleep enjoying the warmth of the fire and the others quiet voices of small talk.

Omega's POV(Sorry about so many POV switches)

After I felt Argyros fall asleep cuddled up to me and using me as a pillow I listened to the others talking. "How've you been doing Omega?" Bianca asked. "I'm doing good, thanks. It's nice to be able to be so relaxed around you guys. You are family after all." I said truthfully. "It is nice to relax. Those missions Chaos have been giving us aren't giving us too much time together." Zoe said. "True, it's nice to have a break." Beckendorf said. We all spent the rest of the night talking. Well, except for Argyros, she was fast asleep and under my arm on the couch. Her wolf ears were happily sagging down as she slept. We all ended up falling asleep in our group room around the special fire Beckendorf made for us that wouldn't run out or leave the fireplace.

The next morning I woke up to see that Argyros was still snuggled up to me asleep. That surprised me and then I remembered we had the week off.  I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. I woke up later to see Zoe awake. "Hey Zo, what's up? You're hardly ever the first one up." I ask her. "I'm just thinking about my last mission." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. Before she could answer Argyros shot up from where she was sleeping and teleported out of the room. Argyros and I had been hiding and learning to hide our emotions that we never really had emotions on our face. Only the slightest things showed how we were feeling and only the rest of the Alpha unit could pick up on them. I teleported to the outside of Argyros's room and knocked. "Who is it." A voice came from inside. "It's me. Are you okay Arg." I replied. "Come on in." She said from inside. I literally walked through the door and sat down next to Argyros on her bed. "You don't need to be here." She said. "What if I want to be." I told her giving her a kiss on her head. "Then I would be happy to let you stay." She said her face softening slightly. "Why did you run off earlier." I asked her after a little while of silence. She shied away from me and shook her head. "Let's get back to the others." She said abruptly. I agreed and we teleported back. I sat down and closed my eyes while I waited. There was a flash of red and I opened my eyes, my memories scaring me. After everyone woke up I noticed Argyros was gone. She came back a moment later and wiped her forehead and looked over to us. "Chaos wants to see us." She said in a even more monotone voice than usual. We were teleported to Chaos's throne room and my crown appeared on my head. I rolled my eyes annoyed at its appearance. We sat down at our spots. Then I noticed. Argyros was gone. I looked at Chaos and his expression was stone. I waited for him to start when he did I didn't like it. "As you probably notice Argyros is not here. She has gone on a mission for me and will meet you at your next one." The breath Chaos took before continuing made me somewhat worried(even if I didn't show it). "And where is our next mission?" Bianca asked. "Earth. Your next mission will be on Earth. The Olympians and the camp need halo for what is coming, and you are the only ones who can." He said. I could feel the anger boiling inside me. My wings twitched and I glared at Chaos. "You said I wouldn't have to go back." I growled at him. Chaos looked somewhat terrified of me. "I know I did but they need help and you are the only ones who can provide it." Chaos tried to reason.

Zoe's POV

Omega teleported out of the room. A few seconds later I heard a muffled boom and winced. "I'll be right back." Selina said before walking out of the room. "He really doesn't want to go back." I said. Chaos nodded solemnly "I know but you seven are the only ones that can help." Chaos said. "We understand, Omega will just have a hard time going back." Luke said. "We should all come up with different names of we're going to be going to camp." Beckendorf said. Chaos nodded in agreement and motioned that we could leave. We all disappeared and reappeared in our living room. Selina and Omega were there to, Omega had calmed down and looked up at us. "So what's going to happen." Selina asked. "We have to. One up with different names for ourselves so they don't know who we are." I explained. Selina nodded in understanding. Omega didn't have to change his name but that's because it was a different name than he had 301 years ago. Omega knew that and stayed quiet.

All right. Here's chapter 1. I wanted to go on longer but I need names. The only problem is I want them in Ancient Greek. If you could give me the words for

and Return(male)

In Ancient Greek that would be a lifesaver and get the next chapter out quicker. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, reviews would be awesome and until next time...

-TurtleKier42 signing out

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