Mustering up enough courage, I lift my hand and hit the door with three sharp knocks. I take a step back. All we have to do now is wait. Soon, I hear heavy thumping steps getting closer to the door and then the click of the lock turning. Finally, the door starts to open and standing there is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen. Although not as attractive as Tony, he is still beautiful with a strong clean-shaven jaw and a mop of curly blonde hair.

"Hey, you must be Kendyl. Tony said you were gonna come over. Come on in," Blondie says and turns around to walk down the hall. "Follow me. Everyone is in here."

We follow him down the tiled hallway into a sunken in living room. The room looks like a typical bachelor pad. A large flat-screen television is mounted against the back wall with a whole bunch of different videogame consoles on the floor underneath. Two large black leather couches sit connected at a right angle in the middle of the room. They sit in prime position to view the TV. A small coffee table sits in front of the couches with a pile of board games stacked haphazardly on top.

Sitting on the couches were two more very handsome men. What is it with this place? Is it some type of beacon to hot guys? Sarah and I need to get us a place in the neighborhood just for the view. One of the guys sits in the middle of the sofa with his legs splayed out and his arms reach across the back. The length of his arms are so drawn out that the tips of his fingers reach the edge of the couch on either side. His head is completely shaven with a slight stubble of black hair. He has a scar on his face that reaches from the edge of his left eyebrow down to disappear beneath the stubble of his five-o-clock shadow. He smirks as he sees me staring.

"Hey, I heard we were going to have visitors. I can tell now why he calls you shortcake. That hair reminds me of strawberry shortcake. Plus, you're short. I'm Trevor." He introduces himself abruptly. He stands and reaches his hand out for a handshake.

I timidly reach my hand out to put in his large grasp. "Kendyl. Nice to meet you," I respond as his hand engulfs mine in a firm shake.

Letting my hand go, he turns his attention to Sarah. I could tell he was immediately enamored with her. He took in her long platinum blonde locks, sun-kissed skin and classically beautiful face all in and you could tell he was a goner. He didn't even know what hit him. This happens all the time around her. Guys practically fall at her feet the first time meet her and they are putty in her hands.

Sarah just smiles, oblivious to the effect she has on him and introduces herself.

"Hi! I'm Sarah, Kendyl's friend."

After standing rather awkwardly in the silence while no one said anything, I cleared my throat. I rolled my weight back onto my heels.

"So, um... Where is Tony?" I ask in almost a whisper. I am really uncomfortable right now. I am in a room full of strangers and the guy I was supposed to meet isn't even here.

"He is in the bathroom. Probably taking a dump with how long it's taking him." This is said by the guy still sitting on the couch. Correction, when I say sitting I mean more like sulking. He sits leaning back into the sofa as much as possible trying to put as much distance between us as possible. He has a glower set on his face and his arms crossed across his chest. His whole body language screams closed-off.

He looks like he could be as tall as Tony when standing and probably just as muscular, maybe even more so. His strong cheekbones are more pronounced in his glower. Think Benedict Cumberbatch kind of cheekbones. They are that gorgeous. His jaw is firm, covered in a dark 5-o-clock shadow. His beautiful blue eyes are icy in their stare. Jeez. Who peed in his cheerios?

"God! Could you be any more crass? We have ladies present," Trevor shoots an annoyed look at Crankypants on the couch.

"I could've said he was taking a shit but I was trying to be polite," Crankypants snidely retorts. He curls up his lip in disgust and turns his head to look out the window.

"That's Will. He's been in a mood recently. Just ignore him. We all do," Trevor says and smiles apologetically with a shrug. "And I think you already met Ollie. He was the one who opened the door for y'all." He nods his head in the direction we came in from. I turn and see Ollie leaning against the wall at the entrance to the living room.

"Hey," he says and waves awkwardly. Ahh.. A man of so many words, I think sarcastically. Well at least it's better than Crankypants pouting over there.

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" I hear Tony's voice make its way down the stairs. "By the way guys, you might not want to go in there for a while," he laughs like it's funny to stink up a room. Boys. I will never understand their thought process.

The sound of him bounding down stairs fills the room. It sounds like elephants stampeding, it is so loud. I guess it is no surprise given how much body mass he is lugging around. He should really learn to keep from running down the stairs. He might accidentally break a step with how strongly he pounds his weight into them.

He is on the third step from the bottom when he finally sees me. You can tell he is really embarrassed when he stops dead in his tracks. He just stares at me in horror for a few beats until he finally asks me.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know not to go near that bathroom for at least an hour," I quip dryly.

A/N: So what did you think? How do feel about Mr. Grumpyface, Will? I would love to see your comments! And if you enjoyed it, please let me know by clicking on that little star!

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