Melody's New Home

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Melody's POV

Across the country. Why across the country? Why can't I go a block from Main or two towns over from Carlsen? No, I have to move all the way to Seattle. And what's worse is that I'm moving from Carlsen, Maine to Seattle. A few thousand miles here, a few thousand miles there...doesn't sound bad right? Wrong. I'm leaving my best friend Bailey and my, now ex, boyfriend Phillip.
I'm sorry for ranting. It must be irritating to hear. Well anyway. My name is Melody Chrysanthemum Eliza Bloom. But most people call me Mel or Bloom. Either is fine. I'm moving from shiny, snowy, happy Maine to an overheated, rainy hell. We get some winter in Seattle but not much compared to Maine. Most of the time we are going to be warm. I owned a grand total of two tee-shirts and a pair of shorts when it came to summer apparel. You'd think I'd be hot, right? Nope.
         There it is. My new house, with its little white picket fence and three stories high. My mom got a promotion at her job and so we moved here. Thanks mom. Did I mention I have a five month old brother? He'll be six months in two days. I'm super psyched. It means I can start having friends over again. Mom said until my little bro was six months, I was not to have friends. Oh wait! We freaking moved!! I have no friends.

Christopher's POV
   "Dammit, Adam! You messed me up again." Adam laughs at me as I try to hit the damned target. "You are awful, you know that?" He responds a quick "yes" and then proceeds to show me up again. Suddenly as his tenth knife hits home, my phone rings.
"Chris. It's dad. We need you to follow a lead to Seattle. There you will be met by Castiel and he will show you the case."

Melody POV
     I walked into my new room. That's when I smelled the most foul thing known to man...sulfur.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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